Flutter vs. React Native in 2022: Detailed Framework Comparison

Native applications work smoothly on mobile devices. Their graphic transitions take less time for UI rendering compared to the cross-platforming. The reason is simple: their code can communicate straight to the mobile OS core, enabling UI methods.

In the meantime, the native mobile platforms (OS) are written in different languages. For instance, Android OS is a mix of Java, C, and C++. In comparison, the iOS platform is built with Objective C and Swift. So, native mobile development requires the knowledge of a few languages like Swift and Java simultaneously. That's a big deal, as not many companies could afford to hire developers for each platform.

Is Flutter a Good Choice for Creating iOS Apps?

Recently, Flutter app development has become a new easy, and productive way to create applications. Lots of the teams considering it as a possible technology for the next project, which is no surprise, since it has advantages of the native framework while being cross-platform. In this article, we will focus on how Flutter development is different in general and how Flutter mobile development for iOS works in particular.

Now developers are offered a lot of possibilities by the growing number of frameworks. Flutter app development is one of the most recent options that has become available for both Android and iOS engineers. The market is full of well-established technologies as well as new ones. The foundation teams and communities work on their constant improvement and develop new front-end frameworks that make programmers’ work easier and faster. Suddenly, a new big player has arrived and its name is Flutter.

What Is FlutterFlow? Build Flutter and Firebase Apps Visually

It is a tool that allows you to build mobile apps without writing any code.

FlutterFlow offers a simple drag-and-drop interface that makes building all sorts of apps for iOS and Android easy. Besides, users need to be able to create their content, and for that, it also exports the generated flutter code. You can even switch from FlutterFlow to a GitHub repository!

Flutter Architecture


I think there are two concepts that are really fundamental: number one, your architecture for your applications will change over time, right?

Your requirements are going to change. You know, what you use for an MVP or a prototype won’t quite be the same thing that you use for, you know, your app with like 400 to 600,000 lines of code with a team of 20 people. Those things are just naturally going to be different from one another.

Flutter 2.0 State Management Introduction With Provider 5.0

With Flutter 2.0, you can build apps on mobile, web and desktop.  Graphics performance is fantastic and the development tools are great. The main barrier to learning Flutter is an understanding of state management.  This tutorial covers the Provider package, one of the most popular and easiest tools to manage state in Flutter.

A video version of this tutorial is available. Code and image files are on GitHub. 

Flutter For Novices: Create Your First Cross-Platform App in 2021

In this era of the internet, it's no secret that a good and scalable mobile app can take your business to a new level. Running a business in this digital and competitive time is not a cakewalk. There are numerous apps that get launched on Play Store and App Store, but all of them are not successful. Therefore, business owners need a mobile app that fosters customer loyalty and builds brand advocacy. 

Technological innovations are leaving no stone unturned and are mostly impacting app development. More and more technology tools are launched into the market that makes developers' lives easy and helps them create beautiful apps. 

React Native vs. Flutter: Which Is Best for Your New App?

These days, customers expect an app for your service. It needs to give them full access to your services while being easy to use. There's more ways to build apps than ever before, but Flutter and React Native are becoming the big names in app development. Which one should you use?

What Are React Native and Flutter?

Before we get into anything, you need to know what both of these services are. React Native is a framework that has been developed by Facebook. It's a JS cross-platform framework that allows you to use both React and JavaScript together in your programming, making it very flexible. 

Why I Prefer Flutter Over React Native for App Development

The two leading cross-platform development frameworks, React Native and Flutter, are also widely known for their rivalry. What makes both these frameworks incredibly popular in the development world is their ability to ease work like development, the reuse code, and building a highly native-looking interface, while also offering robust support. 

In spite of their similar value propositions, both are different from each other in a multitude of ways. While both help developers to build and market an app faster, React Native, as a more matured framework, comes with a bigger community, while Flutter offers more built-in tools and less dependence on third-party tools. 

How to Develop Your Flutter App With the BLoC Architecture

Flutter is becoming more popular each day, though it’s a rather young technology. It first appeared in 2015 as Sky, and in 2017 it became the Flutter that we know and use. Flutter is backed by Google and allows developers to create beautiful and cost-effective cross-platform applications with a native feel. 

There are many architectures you can use to build Flutter applications: 

Flutter Interact: All You Need to Know!

Flutter Interact, an event recently held by Google along with the Flutter Community, has ended with some great announcements. Some amazing Flutter features are declared in this immense event that made the developer community excited all around the world.

In the event, every announcement came with a note saying “there’s more to come!” Many developers, including us, were astonished to hear what Flutter has for the future.

Auto-Testing Flutter Apps With Artificial Intelligence

Mobile application development has been growing faster than ever. Almost every business needs a mobile app to stay competitive in the market. As cross-platform mobile app development frameworks like React Native allow companies to build both iOS and Android apps using the single source code and single programming language; Flutter is another hot cross-platform mobile application development framework backed by Google.

Flutter is an open-source, multi-platform, mobile SDK that can be used to build iOS and Android apps with the same source code. Flutter has been around for quite some time now, but it's gotten more attention since Google released a first stable release. The apps built with Flutter look almost like native apps, which might be the reason big companies like Alibaba, Groupon, and many others started using it. Flutter apps can be tested using various testing layers