How To Persist and Query Data With SQLite in Flutter App Development

Persisting and querying a large amount of data on the local device is important to make a highly performant Flutter application. This data must remain intact in each app session. Hence, you need to have an advanced database management system to locally store your more complex and interdependent data. SQLite should be your pick in this scenario as it emphasizes concurrency, scalability, reliability, centralization, simplicity, and control.

When it comes to Flutter app development, you can use the SQLite database the right way via the sqflite package available on You can have complete control over your queries, database, relationships, or everything you desire to improve the performance of your Flutter apps. 

Flutter Web Development: All You Need to Know

A Google offering, Flutter is a UI library that was initially offered as a tool to enable the development of functional cross-platform mobile apps with the capacity to offer seamless performance akin to that of a native app. An emerging framework used for crafting beautiful cross-platform mobile applications, Flutter allows development teams to target both iOS and Android platforms with a single code base. This helps save a significant amount of time and resources. 

It now also includes the development of web apps for mobile as well as desktops. Further, Flutter’s web support even helps develop complex standalone web applications with graphically rich and interactive content to reach end-users on a broad variety of devices. Also, as part of web support, it even offers a delivery model based on browsers for the existing Flutter mobile applications.

Is Flutter a Good Choice for Creating iOS Apps?

Recently, Flutter app development has become a new easy, and productive way to create applications. Lots of the teams considering it as a possible technology for the next project, which is no surprise, since it has advantages of the native framework while being cross-platform. In this article, we will focus on how Flutter development is different in general and how Flutter mobile development for iOS works in particular.

Now developers are offered a lot of possibilities by the growing number of frameworks. Flutter app development is one of the most recent options that has become available for both Android and iOS engineers. The market is full of well-established technologies as well as new ones. The foundation teams and communities work on their constant improvement and develop new front-end frameworks that make programmers’ work easier and faster. Suddenly, a new big player has arrived and its name is Flutter.

What Is FlutterFlow? Build Flutter and Firebase Apps Visually

It is a tool that allows you to build mobile apps without writing any code.

FlutterFlow offers a simple drag-and-drop interface that makes building all sorts of apps for iOS and Android easy. Besides, users need to be able to create their content, and for that, it also exports the generated flutter code. You can even switch from FlutterFlow to a GitHub repository!

4 Great Hybrid Mobile Application Development Tools To Help Your Project Succeed

As businesses envision new business mobile applications and new mobile applications for the consumer market, the hybrid mobile application development environment is front and center. For the best device coverage and user accessibility, businesses must create hybrid mobile applications that will be suitable for iOS and Android devices. This article will focus on four (4) great hybrid mobile application development tools that will help your mobile application development project succeed. 

‘In this article, we focus on four great hybrid mobile application development tools including, React Native, jQuery Mobile, Mobile Angular UI and Framework 7.’ 

How to Create a Chat App With Backendless SDK for Flutter

In this article, we are going to demonstrate how to create a simple peer-to-peer (p2p) chat application with the Backendless SDK for Flutter. This will give you an overview of the process needed to integrate your Backendless server-side with your Flutter chat app client-side.

Flutter is a popular hybrid frontend framework for mobile and web app development. With the Backendless SDK for Flutter, Backendless is easily integrated as a powerful Codeless backend and real-time database for any Flutter app.

Ionic, Flutter, and React Native: When To Use Them

In this article, we will see what Cross-Platform App Frameworks: Ionic, Flutter, and React Native are and when to use them.

Each of these frameworks allows you to build an app for both the major platforms: iOS and Android. All of these frameworks are popular in the mobile app development world as they allow developers to build applications using a single source code for every platform. It costs less, hence, the demand for cross-platform app development has increased over the past decade.

How to: Flutter Release iOS App on Apple Store

If you have built a flutter app and are ready to release it on the Apple Store, then you are in the right place. In this tutorial, you will learn the process of how to release the flutter iOS app on the Apple store. There are some important points that you should be aware of before uploading the app to the Apple store. You may have heard that Apple is very restricting about user privacy and design UI. But, don’t worry, I am going to cover the common mistakes that a new developer do during the release of their first iOS app.

The official flutter document also listed a step-by-step process that you can follow. But, here I am making it simple for you. You can see our Multi-Vendor iOS App sample to know more about Multi-Vendor MarketPlace eCommerce.

Google Introduces Flutter 2.0

Flutter is a renowned and prominent platform that has grabbed massive recognition from big developing companies worldwide like eBay motors, Alibaba (eCommerce), Hamilton Musical (Entertainment) have by the time-released their apps. They’ve achieved this due to its impressive simplicity and ease to use U.I. compared to the other web developing applications and speed with other alternative applications.

Nowadays, creating any type of application in this era is not extremely difficult. Although it is necessary to know the required programming and development knowledge, many development mediums allow us to develop applications.

Kotlin Multiplatform vs Flutter: What Cross-Platform Developers Should Choose?

Since the popularity of mobile apps is continuously bringing new approaches to development, many new frameworks are getting a foothold and the older ones are quickly evolving to catch up in this race. While Kotlin came as a better alternative to Java for Android development, Flutter actually revolutionized cross-platform app development.

While Kotlin offered a lot of new and powerful features it was only limited to Android app development. Kotlin is mainly a platform-specific language. Now Google even made Kotlin evolve with cross-platform capabilities and so we now have Kotlin Multiplatform, a new framework to make the awesome features of Kotlin language stretch across both iOS and Android platforms. 

Flutter For Novices: Create Your First Cross-Platform App in 2021

In this era of the internet, it's no secret that a good and scalable mobile app can take your business to a new level. Running a business in this digital and competitive time is not a cakewalk. There are numerous apps that get launched on Play Store and App Store, but all of them are not successful. Therefore, business owners need a mobile app that fosters customer loyalty and builds brand advocacy. 

Technological innovations are leaving no stone unturned and are mostly impacting app development. More and more technology tools are launched into the market that makes developers' lives easy and helps them create beautiful apps. 

Build Great Windows Desktop Apps With Flutter

Let's build Windows desktop apps with Flutter and Dart.  This example shows how to use Flutter to connect a Windows kiosk or laptop to an external camera with WiFi then transfer and display the images.  I'm using a RICOH THETA Z1 camera to test the application which displays and navigates  23MP images. The 8MB graphic files are a nice test for the Flutter rendering engine on Windows.   

GitHub code repo and additional information is available from this post in the RICOH THETA Developer Community forum

Why Is Flutter Sdk Ruling the App Development Trends?

Why does every app development company love Flutter? The simplest answer is that Flutter SDK has offered everything required to develop an app like a breeze. 

Features of Flutter left developers wheedled, and it soon became the first choice of app developers. Flutter has a strong foothold in the market today. With a total number of 106K stars and 14.8K forks, Flutter overrules every other cross-platform SDK. Numerous small and big enterprises have embraced flutter app development; some popular names include Alibaba Group, Groupon, BMW, eBay, EMAAR, Dream11, SONOS, Square, and more. 

How to Develop Your Flutter App With the BLoC Architecture

Flutter is becoming more popular each day, though it’s a rather young technology. It first appeared in 2015 as Sky, and in 2017 it became the Flutter that we know and use. Flutter is backed by Google and allows developers to create beautiful and cost-effective cross-platform applications with a native feel. 

There are many architectures you can use to build Flutter applications: 

Why You Should Choose Flutter For Cross-Platform App Development

In recent years, there has been a tremendous increase in the popularity of cross-platform mobile application development. As an application development platform, it has been catering to the needs of forward-thinking businesses. The most well-known platforms to develop mobile applications are Android and iOS. It is important to write different codes when you develop applications on these platforms. With cross-platform application development, you can save effort and also time. To encourage cross-stage applications development, different tools have been developed. You should be comfortable with web-based tools like Xamarin, PhoneGap Adobe, and React Native.

Developers have differing opinions on whether they should use Flutter for cross-platform application development. Here, you will come to know about its features, advantages.

Flutter Interact: All You Need to Know!

Flutter Interact, an event recently held by Google along with the Flutter Community, has ended with some great announcements. Some amazing Flutter features are declared in this immense event that made the developer community excited all around the world.

In the event, every announcement came with a note saying “there’s more to come!” Many developers, including us, were astonished to hear what Flutter has for the future.