Are You 12-Factor Application Ready?

The 12-Factor Application principles for flexible applications.

There are a lot of frameworks in app development, but not all of them are tailored for today’s cloud environment. Many of them lack modularity and flexibility; some don’t even leverage the benefits of using cloud computing. The 12-Factor application principles are designed specifically for modern, containerized cloud environments from the beginning. Each component is tailored to the flexibility of containers and cloud deployment, all while creating a standard for every team member—and third-party developers— to follow.

At the same time, the 12-Factor app creates a more straightforward approach to developing a cloud app with microservices. It takes into account the need for a positive user experience and how virtual environments can be utilized for higher availability.

Why Agile Doesn’t Work for Large Projects

But we want Agile to work all the time!

Today many company executives in and outside of IT see in flexible methodologies a tool that will increase the speed of work on projects. For this reason, organizations without these methodologies are striving to actively implement Agile.

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But the question arises: Can it really help? Or is Agile only a convenient technology for inventing apologies for deadlines? Let's dive into it.

Let’s Remove ”Agile” from Agile Leadership

What exactly is “agile” or an Agile leader? This is one of the biggest problems our industry faces. Ask a room full of people to answer and you may get as many answers. It could be said that it’s a mindset, it’s a software methodology, or a number of other things. 

I think of this word “agile” as being synonymous with “nimble” or “flexible.” Just ask Google to define the word for you and see which answer comes first.