Quick! What’s the Difference Between Flexbox and Grid?

Let's go rapid fire and try to answer this question with quick points rather than long explanations. There are a lot of similarities between flexbox and grid, starting with the fact that they are used for layout and much more powerful than any layout technique that came before them. They can stretch and shrink, they can center things, they can re-order things, they can align things... There are plenty of layout situations in which you could use either one to do what we need to do, and plenty of situations where one is more well-suited than the other. Let's focus on the differences rather than the similarities:

Flexbox can optionally wrap. If we allow a flex container to wrap, they will wrap down onto another row when the flex items fill a row. Where they line up on the next row is independent of what happenned on the first row, allowing for a masonry-like look.

Grid can also optionally wrap (if we allow auto filling) in the sense that items can fill a row and move to the new row (or auto place themselves), but as they do, they will fall along the same grid lines all the other elements do.

Flexbox on top, Grid on bottom

You could think of flexbox as "one dimensional." While flexbox can make rows and columns in the sense that it allows elements to wrap, there's no way to declaratively control where elements end up since the elements merely push along a single axis and then wrap or not wrap accordingly. They do as they do, if you will, along a one-dimensional plane and it's because of that single dimension that we can optionally do things, like align elements along a baseline — which is something grid is unable to do.

.parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: row wrap; /* OK elements, go as far as you can on one line, then wrap as you see fit */

You could think of grid as "two dimensional" in that we can (if we want to) declare the sizing of rows and columns and then explicitly place things into both rows and columns as we choose.

.parent {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr; /* Two columns, one three times as wide as the other */
  grid-template-rows: 200px auto 100px; /* Three columns, two with explicit widths */
    "header header header"
    "main . sidebar"
    "footer footer footer";

  Now, we can explicitly place items in the defined rows and columns.
.child-1 {
  grid-area: header;

.child-2 {
  grid-area: main;

.child-3 {
  grid-area: sidebar;

.child-4 {
  grid-area: footer;
Flexbox on top, Grid on bottom

I'm not the world's biggest fan of the "1D" vs. "2D" differentiation of grid vs. flexbox, only because I find most of my day-to-day usage of grid is "1D" and it's great for that. I wouldn't want someone to think they have to use flexbox and not grid because grid is only when you need 2D. It is a strong distinction though that 2D layout is possible with grid though in ways it is not in flexbox.

Grid is mostly defined on the parent element. In flexbox, most of the layout (beyond the very basics) happen on the children.

  The flex children do most of the work
.flexbox {
  display: flex;
  > div {
    &:nth-child(1) { // logo
      flex: 0 0 100px;
    &:nth-child(2) { // search
      flex: 1;
      max-width: 500px;
    &:nth-child(3) { // avatar
      flex: 0 0 50px;
      margin-left: auto;

  The grid parent does most of the work
.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr auto minmax(100px, 1fr) 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: 100px repeat(3, auto) 100px;
  grid-gap: 10px;

Grid is better at overlapping. Getting elements to overlap in flexbox requires looking at traditional stuff, like negative margins, transforms, or absolute positioning in order to break out of the flex behavior. With grid, we can place items on overlapping grid lines, or even right within the same exact grid cells.

Flexbox on top, Grid on bottom

Grid is sturdier. While the flexing of flexbox is sometimes its strength, the way a flex item is sized gets rather complicated. It's a combination of width, min-width, max-width, flex-basis, flex-grow, and flex-shrink, not to mention the content inside and things like white-space, as well as the other items in the same row. Grid has interesting space-occupying features, like fractional units, and the ability for content to break grids, though, generally speaking, we're setting up grid lines and placing items within them that plop right into place.

Flexbox can push things away. It's a rather unique feature of flexbox that you can, for example, put margin-right: auto; on an element and, if there is room, that element will push everything else as far away as it can go can.

Here are some of my favorite tweets on the subject:

The post Quick! What’s the Difference Between Flexbox and Grid? appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Putting the Flexbox Albatross to Real Use

If you hadn't seen it, Heydon posted a rather clever flexbox layout pattern that, in a sense, mimics what you could do with a container query by forcing an element to stack at a certain container width. I was particularly interested, as I was fighting a little layout situation at the time I saw this and thought it could be a solution. Let's take a peak.

"Ad Double" Units

I have these little advertising units on the design of this site. I can and do insert them into a variety of places on the site. Sometimes they are in a column like this:

Ad doubles appearing in a column of content

Sometimes I put them in a place that is more like a full-width environment:

Ad doubles going wide.

And sometimes they go in a multi-column layout that is created by a flexible CSS grid.

Ad doubles in a grid layout that changes column numbers at will.

So, really, they could be just about any width.

But there is a point at which I'd like the ads to stack. They don't work side by side anymore when they get squished in a narrow column, so I'd like to have them go over/under instead of left/right.

I don't care how wide the screen is, I care about the space these go in

I caught myself writing media queries to make these ads flop from side by side to stacked. I'd "fix" it in one place only to break it in another because that same media query doesn't work in another context. I needed a damn container query!

This is the beauty of Heydon's albatross technique. The point at which I want them to break is about 560px, so that's what I set out to use.

The transition

I was already using flexbox to lay out these Ad Doubles, so the only changes were to make it wrap them, put in the fancy 4-property albatross magic, and adjust the margin handling so that it doesn't need a media query to reset itself.

This is the entire dif:

Screenshot of a GitHub commit showing the difference between the existing code and the new code using the albatross technique. Seven lines are highlighted in green, indication new code, and 13 lines are highlighted in red, indicating deleted code.

And it works great!

Peeking at it in Firefox DevTools

Victoria Wang recently wrote about designing the Firefox DevTools Flexbox Inspector. I had to pop open Firefox Developer Edition to check it out! It's pretty cool!

The coolest part, to me, is how it shows you the way an individual flex item arrives at the size it's being rendered. As we well know, this can get a bit wacky, as lots of things can affect it like flex-basis, flex-grow, flex-shrink, max-width, min-width, etc.

Here's what the albatross technique shows:

The post Putting the Flexbox Albatross to Real Use appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Piecing Together Approaches for a CSS Masonry Layout

Masonry layout, on the web, is when items of an uneven size are laid out such that there aren't uneven gaps. I would guess the term was coined (or at least popularized) for the web by David DeSandro because of his popular Masonry JavaScript library, which has been around since 2010.

JavaScript library. Nothing against JavaScript, but it's understandable we might not want to lean on it for doing layout. Is there anything we can do in CSS directly these days? Sorta.

Is vertical order with ragged bottoms OK?

If it is, then CSS columns will do just fine.

See the Pen Masonry with Columns by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

Flexbox can do vertical columns with ragged endings too

But it's not quite as clever, because you'll need to set a height of some kind to get it to wrap the columns. You'll also have to be explicit about widths rather than having it decide columns for you.

But it's doable and it does auto space the gaps if there is room.

See the Pen Masonry with Flexbox by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

Do you need a clean bottom edge? A Flexbox/JavaScript combo can help.

Jamie Perkins originally wrote this, then Janosh Riebesell re-wrote it and, now I'm porting it here.

It totally messes with the order and requires the children to be flexy about their height, but it does the trick:

See the Pen Masonry with Flexbox + JS by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

Is horizontal line masonry OK?

If it's just the uneven brick-like look you're after, then horizontal masonry is way easier. You could probably even float stuff if you don't care about the ragged edge. If you wanna keep it a block... flexbox with allowed flex-grow is the ticket.

See the Pen Masonry with Flexbox + JS by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

You'd think CSS grid could help

CSS grid is very amazing and useful in a CSS developer’s everyday life, but it's not really designed for masonry style layouts. CSS grid is about defining lines and placing things along those lines, where masonry is about letting elements end where they may, but still exerting some positional influence.

Balázs Sziklai has a nice example of auto-flowing grids that all stack together nicely, with pretty good horiziontal ordering:

See the Pen True Masonry with Grid Layout by Balázs Sziklai (@balazs_sziklai) on CodePen.

But you can see how strict the lines are. There is a way though!

Grid + JavaScript-maniplated row spans

Andy Barefoot wrote up a great guide. The trick is setting up repeating grid rows that are fairly short, letting the elements fall into the grid horizontally as they may, then adjusting their heights to match the grid with some fairly light math to calculate how many rows they should span.

See the Pen CSS Grid Masonry (Step 10) by Andy Barefoot (@andybarefoot) on CodePen.

Rahul Arora went down this road as well:

See the Pen Rahul Arora's Left-to-right Masonry Layout using CSS Grid by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

DOM-shifted elements in a CSS columns layout

What people generally want is column-stacking (varied heights on elements), but with horizontal ordering. That last grid demo above handles it pretty well, but it's not the only way.

Jesse Korzan tackled it with CSS columns. It needs JavaScript as well to get it done. In this case, it shifts the elements in the DOM to order them left-to-right while providing a horizontal stack using a CSS columns layout. This introduces a bit of an accessibility problem since the visual order (left-to-right) and source order (top-to-bottom) are super different & dash; though perhaps fixable with programmatic tabindex?

There’s also the original library and variations

Float away, my pretties.

See the Pen Masonry with Masonry by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

And it's newer, hipper verion: Colcade!

See the Pen Masonry with Colcade by Chase (@chasebank) on CodePen.

And here's MagicGrid, in which a flexbox layout is lightly manipulated with a JavaScript lib:

See the Pen Magic Grid by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

The post Piecing Together Approaches for a CSS Masonry Layout appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Algorithmic Layouts

Don't miss this video by Heydon that digs into CSS layouts. It's great how he combines fundamental knowledge, like the way elements flow, wrap, and can have margin with new layout methods like flexbox and grid (with specific examples). Of particular note is the clear demonstration of how flexbox and grid help avoid the need to constantly intervene with media queries in order to affect responsive layouts.

So, in place of this...

.sidebar {
  float: left;
  width: 20rem;

.not-sidebar {
  float-right: calc(100% - 20rem);

@media (max-width: 40rem) {
  .sidebar, .not-sidebar {
    float: none;
    width: auto.

...something like this:

/* Parent container */
.with-sidebar {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

.sidebar {
  flex-basis: 20rem;
  flex-grow: 1;

.not-sidebar {
  min-width: 50%;
  flex-grow: 600;

This isn't a one-off video either, Heydon's channel has videos on making unusual shapes and custom properties as well.

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The post Algorithmic Layouts appeared first on CSS-Tricks.