Freak Flags

I don't see image sprites used that much anymore, but it's still a good technique for reducing downloaded decorative image assets when you have multiple on a page. The big idea is combining all the graphics into one and then shifting around the size and background-position to reveal one at a time.

Say you're site needs dozens or hundreds of country flags — that's a perfect opportunity for a sprite. Michael P. Cohen has built a generator site to help build just what you need.

My first thoughts was... why not SVG? Michael says:

Why not use SVG? Many flags adapt very well to this format. I'm a fan of SVG but it wasn't the right tool for this. The problem is too many flags have a lot of detail in crests and icons and imagery, and those details quickly increase svg file sizes far more than they do for index color files.

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Getting Started With Feature Flags

As a core component of continuous delivery, feature flagging empowers developers to release software faster, more reliably, and with more control. This Refcard provides an overview of the concept, ways to get started with feature flags, and how to manage features at scale.

JDK 13: What Is AggressiveOpts?

The Java VM flag -XX:+AggressiveOpts was deprecated in JDK 11 [see JDK-8199777 and JDK-8199778] "because its behavior is ill-defined." The "Problem" section of JDK-8199778 further explains (I added the emphasis):

AggressiveOpts has been used as a catch-all method of enabling various experimental performance features, mostly targeted to improve score on very specific benchmarks. Most things it affected have been removed or integrated over time, leaving the behavior of the flag ill-defined and prone to cause more issues than it'll solve. The only effect that the flag currently has is setting AutoBoxCacheMax = 20000 and BiasedLockingStartupDelay = 500. Both can be done manually by setting the corresponding flags on the command line.

According to the document "Java HotSpot VM Options," the -XX:+AggressiveOpts flag was added with J2SE 5 Update 6 to "turn on point performance compiler optimizations that are expected to be default in upcoming releases."