A Tutorial on Firebase Hosting

If you are looking to host your NextGen web app safely, Firebase from Google can put you at ease by providing fast, reliable, and secure static hosting for your web app. Offering production-grade web content hosting, Google Firebase enables you to effortlessly deploy web apps and static web page content and connect to a CDN (content-delivery network) with a single command.

Furthermore, with Firebase as an all-in-one hosting solution, you are exempt from sizing up various available cloud-based hosting service providers.

How to Integrate and Test Push Notifications for Your Apps

Push notifications

This article will help you understand the importance of push notifications in mobile apps. It will also help you understand how to integrate and test push notifications for your applications.

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What Is a Push Notification?

Push Notifications are small automated messages or mobile alerts that pop up on mobile devices. These messages are sent by the application to a user irrespective of whether the user is active on the app. Push notifications are directly sent from the server whenever new content is uploaded. For example, a notification giving an update on a current crisis from a news app.