How To Give Your DevOps Feedback Loop The Update It Needs


With the highest performing DevOps teams deploying on average four times a day, the pressure is on. Your team should always be looking to improve the speed and quality of your process. A solution may be closer than you think.

What Is a Feedback Loop?

In society, we receive feedback continuously, from friends, family, and colleagues. Companies often have office telephone systems or entire call centers dedicated to receiving feedback from their customers. So, what is it doing in your DevOps process?

6 Best Practices for Application Deployments

Deploy apps smoothly with these tips.

Many software development teams are now working in an Agile/Scrum way and that’s great! One of the cornerstones of the Agile way of working is “Deliver value fast and often”. The real value is delivered only when the software is running in production (not Dev, not QA J).

Having right deployment principles and practices in place is all the more important in Agile environments because new increments are produced by scrum teams at the end of each sprint. A right deployment strategy is a key factor to have faster and effective feedback loops from each environment. Below are some of the best practices for application deployments.

2019 Mandatory UX Goals for Designers

Achieve your goals.

Technology plays a huge role in everyone’s life and we all are dependent on technology. Today we have various emerging technologies that we use to accomplish various tasks in our lives.

What is DevOps? An Intersection of Culture, Processes and Tools

There's a lot to be said about the culture of collaboration in DevOps.

Back in the day, system administrators had mastered the art of avoiding software developers and rejecting system changes, unless they were perfect. People said that when developers had their worst nightmares, they dreamt of a spooky unshaved admin yelling at them because of some quirky bug in their code. There were even rumors of software so refined and polished that it has never been rolled out, since operations engineers were afraid it had become too pure for us, mere mortals.

When Uncle Bob with his fellow developers formulated Agile manifesto, it was clear as day that this situation was about to change. Their aim was to stimulate better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. And that they did. The statements created at the Lodge in Utah, like "individuals and interactions over processes and tools" or "responding to change over following a plan" formed the basis for a lightweight software development movement that grew up into DevOps revolution a decade later.

Leveraging AI and Automation for Successful DevSecOps

As engineering teams try to innovate at a faster pace, being able to maintain the quality, performance and security of the applications become much more important. Organizations have found huge success in improving their overall product quality while ensuring security controls and compliance requirements are met. AI-driven automation solutions have aided engineering teams in automating key processes and leverage predictive analytics, to identify issues before they occur and taking corrective actions, improving the overall product quality. Predictive analytics has helped Operations teams perform real-time application monitoring and identify issues with application security, performance, and infrastructure thus improving overall operational efficiency. Implementing AI-driven DevOps solutions will help organizations accelerate in the present and adapt to changes easily in the future.

The article will provide ten ways in which organizations of any size can leverage the power of AI and automation for their DevSecOps pipeline and continuously improve their implementation as their business evolves.

1. Automate Your Quality Gates

Quality gates or check gates enable the decision making on whether a build can be promoted to higher environments. To achieve faster and continuous releases, automating the quality gates at each stage of the pipeline helps automate the Go-No Go decision of a build into various environments. Automated quality gates can include unit tests, automated code analysis, end-to-end tests based on the pipeline stage.

Balance Innovation, Commitment, & Feedback Loops, Part 2: Moderate Innovation Products

What if you can plan for a few weeks or even a month or more at a time? You don't need the extremely short feedback cycles (hours to a day) because you're not doing high innovation. You don't need to change what the team does every few days.

You can estimate and commit to maybe a month's work at a time. On the other hand, you need to change your work more often than a two- or three-month period. That much estimation seems like a waste. And the commitment part? You laugh at that. You might like to commit, but you need to change.