The Kano Model: Developing for Value and Delight

Even though we have been developing software on the mainframe platform for decades we still have ways to learn and improve. We continually face the problem of meeting user needs with the resources we have on hand. This forces us to be careful about what we choose to do—we must look at whether we are focusing on the right things. While there are basic expectations that must be met, are we providing things that excite and delight? That is, the things that make users feel connected and generate passion. Users that feel a connection with your applications can obtain greater value from them.

How to provide things that excite while still delivering on basic needs is difficult to manage, but there are tools to help. For one the Kano model created by Japanese educator, lecturer, writer, and consultant in the field of quality management, Dr. Noriaki Kano. He sought to resolve these issues with a prioritization framework. The framework focuses on the three patterns of customer expectations versus the investments organizations make to delight their customers and do what it takes to positively impact customer satisfaction.

Balance Innovation, Commitment, & Feedback Loops, Part 2: Moderate Innovation Products

What if you can plan for a few weeks or even a month or more at a time? You don't need the extremely short feedback cycles (hours to a day) because you're not doing high innovation. You don't need to change what the team does every few days.

You can estimate and commit to maybe a month's work at a time. On the other hand, you need to change your work more often than a two- or three-month period. That much estimation seems like a waste. And the commitment part? You laugh at that. You might like to commit, but you need to change.