Feature Flags: A Gentle Introduction

Think of a world where you don't need a separate testing environment, where you can test everything in production and capture valuable data that helps you improve along the way. The secret ingredient: feature flags.

What Are Feature Flags?

Features flags is a software engineering technique that lets developers integrate code constantly into the main trunk. It involves shipping incomplete features into production, which remain dormant until ready. Feature flags also take part in software delivery; when the feature is complete, the code can be activated at the flick of a switch.

Introduction to Feature Flags in CD

The following is the second blog in a series on feature flags in CI/CD. To read the first blog on feature flags in CI, click here

Are you having problems realizing the speed and agility promised by continuous delivery (CD)? Does continually delivering new code seem impossible to you? Feature flags might be the tool you're missing. Without them, implementing CD is difficult. With feature flags, it's not just easier; it's better.