Fail-Fast Reliable Software Strategy: Debug Failures Effectively

I love cooking and use my  Thermomix a lot. If you hadn’t heard about that amazing innovation, it's a kitchen robot… Well, it’s a magical super cooking machine. When designing the Thermomix, its designers took the approach of fail-safe instead of fail-fast. This is a smart choice in this case, but it has its drawbacks.

E.g. my machine tried to recover from a failure which sent it into an infinite recovery loop. I literally couldn’t pull out the food from the lid that was sealed shut. But normally, it’s one of the most reliable devices I own.

5 Characteristics of a DevOps Organization

As consultant (or a new member in a devops team), what are your telltale signs of a “DevOps” organization? Do share them in comments section. Below are my top 5.

Product based teams over component teams:

Autonomous and cross skilled teams are key to deliver and maintain products. An organization structure which is based on knowledge silos (such as dev, qa, ops) is bound to create multiple handovers and thereby increase waste and risk of things going wrong. In a mature Devops organization, you will typically find organization structures based on the products/services they offer.

7 Culture Hacks for DevOps Initiation

Every company is a software company now, and every company will become a DevOps company soon.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin

Why DevOps?

It is our quick response to quickly changing technology trends that generates excitement and drives business growth. DevOps helps grow your business performance exponentially by delivering the expected features faster to the market. DevOps was born out of a long history of software development, and it’s a well-thought approach.

A DevOps Approach to Incident Management Means You Can Still Innovate With ITIL

Collaboration for Incident Management

It is not true that ITIL disallows innovation and that DevOps and IT Service Management (ITSM) and the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) are like oil and water. ITIL is a framework from which you can take or leave portions you like and, in fact, this framework provides many useful paradigms for DevOps implementations.

There’s actually lots in common between ITIL and DevOps. ITIL is a set of detailed practices which provides a set of process frameworks. DevOps is primarily a culture of collaboration so there is no reason you cannot have a process framework integrate very well with a culture of collaboration.

Tom’s Tech Notes: How to Innovate Better [Podcast]

Welcome to our latest episode of Tom's Tech Notes! This week,'s research analyst Tom Smith chats with Dell Boomi CTO Michael Morton about how to innovate better. Learn who to approach about innovating, how to plan for it, and the importance of not just failing fast, but learning and implementing fast.

And, as always, you can find our podcasts on: