Tutorial: How to Build a Progressive Web App (PWA) with Face Recognition and Speech Recognition

This is a follow up to the second tutorial on PWA. You can also follow this tutorial if you haven't followed the second one or my first tutorial about PWA. We are going to focus on some new Web APIs, such as:

We add these APIs to our existing PWA for taking 'selfies.' With face detection, we predict your emotion, your gender, and your age.

Microsoft Deletes Its Own Image Database for Face Recognition

Microsoft isn't the only entity these days questioning the ethics behind facial recognition.
Image via www.vpnsrus.com

In a quiet move that likely reflects Microsoft's growing concern over the misuse of facial recognition technology, the company deleted its own MSCeleb database, a collection of 10 million images that has been used to train facial recognition systems across the globe since its release in 2016.

As the BBC points out, "the deletion comes after Microsoft called on US politicians to do a better job of regulating recognition systems" due to their "broad societal ramifications and potential for abuse."

Working With Face Recognition: Misty as a Security Guard: Part 1

Misty’s got a new job: security guard.

Misty loves to be helpful, and this job combines a few of her different capabilities into a single working skill. When the skill runs, Misty activates face recognition and scans the environment for strangers. If Misty sees an unknown face, she calls out to third-party APIs and prints a picture of the intruder. Face recognition, external HTTP calls, and image capture are the core capabilities that Misty uses for this job.