Three Strategic Considerations for Choosing a CD Platform


Every company is trying to deliver software faster. The most important decision for setting up the organization for success is the CD platform. Sometimes the shiny object is not the right solution.

Responding quickly to customer needs is the new key to long-term success for many companies. Since software applications are now central to so many customer interactions, speed in delivering software is a key IT competency. That is why continuous delivery is gaining such a broad following now. 

Hyrum’s Law: What It Means for API Design and Management

api design management hyrum

The Promise and Challenges of Loose Coupling

APIs should be built around the idea of loose coupling – that providers and consumers of services possess more independence and autonomy to evolve. The obvious advantage of this approach is that it requires less time-consuming coordination, and thus allows providers and consumers to evolve independently.

However, independent growth presents an increased risk of breaking changes. Will existing API consumers have to adapt to every development? Or can they continue using the API in an unaltered state? 

Expanding Upon Misty’s Native Capabilities

Misty Robotics

To successfully bring your code off the screen and into a 3D space, Misty must be able to communicate with her environment in many ways. While Misty is already packed with sophisticated technology — including 25 sensors — your use cases may call for additional sensors. Today, we’re covering several ways you can add to Misty’s native capabilities by using additional sensors and we’re sharing some skill inspiration to get you started.

You might also like:  Exercising Misty’s Extensibility

Adding a Sensor to Misty

There are several ways to expand Misty’s physical form by adding sensors and other accessories, including 3D-printed accessories. Misty’s official mounting points — that is, those points with embedded magnets — include the antenna mount, the backpack, and the trailer hitch. CP, Misty Robotics’ Prototype Engineer, has also mounted sensors on the top of Misty’s head, her arms, base side, and front grill using mounts he has developed and open-sourced here. Please note that while third-party hardware can be physically mounted to each of these parts of Misty, no electrical connections are made at any of these points.

10 Awesome Features of Pytest

Pytest is a test automation framework that lets you write simple to complex functional tests. This tutorial will walk you through the great features of Pytest, including: 

  • Easy to start with and simple syntax.
  • Open Source.
  • Build-in support for test discovery.
  • Command-line support.
  • Extensibility: Plug-ins, hooks.
  • Fixtures.
  • Works with built-in unit tests.
  • Large community support.
You may also like: Improve Your Selenium WebDriver Tests With Pytest

To install Pytest, run the following command: 

Enum Tricks: Two Ways to Extend Enum Functionality

In my previous article, I explained how and why to use enumsinstead of the switch/case control structure in Java code. Here, I will demonstrate how to extend the functionality of existing enums.


Java enumis a kind of a compiler magic. In byte code, any enum is represented as a class that extends the abstract class java.lang.Enum and has several static members. Therefore, enum cannot extend any other class orenum: there is no multiple inheritance.

Make Your Existing Solution Tastier with Serverless Salt: NoOps

This article is the fourth in a series on serverless computing. I recommend starting at the beginning of the series, as I introduce concepts incrementally. The links to previous articles on DZone are included here:

In the previous articles, I demonstrated the benefits and challenges of serverless integration for business applications and illustrated them with an example based on the Bonita platform. As you know by now if you have been reading along, the main benefit of serverless is to abstract infrastructure with ephemeral containers using a FaaS service on the cloud.