Create a Simple Shopping Cart Using React and Node

Web development has never been more exciting than now, with the introduction of new technologies and techniques, thanks to the dynamism and evolution of JavaScript. Now a web application can be configured using only JavaScript. This is made possible through the introduction of Node.js, which can be used on the server-side to manage data, and also the creation of several JavaScript frameworks, such as React.js, Angular, and Vue.js, which manage and control the client-side of the application.

In this article, we will be learning how to build a simple shopping cart app, using React.js as the front-end framework, and a backend server built using Node.js and Express.js.

Full-Stack Vue App With Node, Express, and MongoDB

Much of application development, including web applications, has to do with CRUD – creating, reading, updating, and deleting data. Today, we will be building a full stack Vue note-taking application and showing you how to perform the aforementioned processes, using Node.js running the Express.js framework for the backend, and MongoDB to store our data.

Below is a preview of the application we will be building: