A Use Case With JavaCC [Snippet]

Let's say you have the following file:

sfsfasdfsdf  dfdsfsdfs f 
 Barcelona, Total SCORE 8 (4+4). 
          having 100% success rate. 

sfsdfsdfdf sfasdfum 34749n afsf

 Barcelona, Total SCORE 2 (6-4). 
          having 100% success rate.    

Encryption, Part 1B: Symmetric Encryption of Voluminous Files

In my recent article, Encryption Part 1: Symmetric Encryption, I covered the symmetric encryption of data and shared example Java code.

The method I covered in that article operates on the complete data/string. Obviously, this method is not suitable when dealing with voluminous files — MBs, GBs, TBs — particularly in the world of Big Data. Ideally, I should have also shared the code to encrypt and decrypt voluminous files, which I am doing in this article.