Getting Started With Spring Boot and Spring Data REST

Get started with Spring Boot and Spring Data REST in this short tutorial.

To start working on Spring Data REST, we need to have some basic knowledge of JPA and the Spring Data JPA, as it is built on top of these projects. You can refer to the following links for documentation on Spring Data JPA and Spring Data REST.

You may also like: Introduction to Spring Data REST

Step 1: Add the Following Dependencies to the Project

// Dependency for Spring data jpa
// Dependency for Spring data rest

Stay Hip With the Latest Java and Spring Boot Using JHipster 6

Stay hip with JHipster for your Java and Spring Boot apps

If you’re confused by how OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) work together, please see What the Heck is OAuth? In short, OIDC is a thin layer on top of OAuth 2.0 that adds identity.

The Java world has been very busy lately, especially with all the major Java versions releasing every six months. This honestly can be a lot to keep up with. I was using Java 8 until I was introduced to Spring Boot 2.1.

How Do Annotations Work in Java?

Annotations have been a very important part of Java, and it’s been there from the time of J2SE 5.0. All of us have seen annotations like  @Override and @Deprecated in our application code at some place or another. In this article, I will discuss what exactly annotations are, why they were introduced, how they work, how to write custom annotations (with example code), what could be valid scenarios for annotations, and lastly annotations and ADF. It’s going to be a long post, so grab some coffee and get ready to dive into the world of annotations.

What Are Annotations?

One word to explain annotation is metadata. Metadata is data about data. So annotations are metadata for code. For example, look at the following piece of code.

Introduction to the Fluent Builder Pattern

The fluent builder pattern is one of the most useful patterns, especially when you want to build complex objects. For example, say you want to build a complex object by initiating the builder, calling the respective setters, and finally, calling the build method. Once the build method is executed, you will get the desired model/entity/pojo object back.

Email email = Email.EmailBuilder()
              .setSubject("Test with only required Fields")
              .setContent(" Required Field Test").build();

How to Build Scalable, Stateful Java Services in Under 15 Minutes

Five years ago when I started tracking media buzz around stateful architectures, I’d see a few articles every month about running stateful containers. That's about when Caitie McCaffrey first shared this awesome presentation about building scalable stateful architectures. Since then, the dominant software paradigm has become functional application design. The actor model and other object-oriented paradigms are still in use, but database-centric RESTful architectures are standard means of building web applications today.

However, the tides are beginning to shift. Due to innovations like the blockchain, growing demand for real-time applications, the digitization of OT assets, and the proliferation of cheap compute resources at the network edge; there’s renewed interest in decentralized application architectures. As such, there’s also been increased focus on stateful applications. For example, at least five Apache Foundation projects (Beam, Flink, Spark, Samza, and TomEE) are touting statefulness as a benefit today. Modern applications communicate across multiple application silos and must span real-world machines, devices, and distributed data centers around the world. Stateful application architectures provide a way to abstract away the logistical effort of state management, thereby reducing development and management effort necessary to operate massive-scale distributed applications.

Build a Scalable, Stateful To-Do List in 15 Minutes or Less

For the rest of this post, I want to disprove the notion that building scalable, stateful applications is a task too complex for everyday Java developers. In order to illustrate how easily a stateful application can be setup, we’ll walk through a tutorial for building a simple to-do list using the Swim platform. You can find all the source code for the to-do list tutorial here on GitHub.

Introduction to the Hexagonal Architecture in Java

To start with, the hexagonal architecture is nothing but a design pattern. Every design pattern solves some problem, right? That is why it originally came into existence. So, what more does hexagonal architecture bring to the table?

Well, a very common problem is encountered whenever an application tries to interact due to huge dependencies over factors such as UI, the testing environment, DBs, external APIs, and so on.

Akka Persistence: Making Actor Stateful

Akka is a toolkit for designing scalable, resilient systems that span processor cores and networks. Akka allows you to focus on meeting business needs instead of writing low-level code to provide reliable behavior, fault tolerance, and high performance.

Akka actor can have state but it’s lost when the actor is shutdown or crashed. Fortunately, we can persist actor state using Akka Persistence, which is one of Akka extensions.

Immutable Data Structures in Java

As part of some of the coding interviews I’ve been conducting recently, the topic of immutability sometimes comes up. I’m not overly dogmatic in it myself, but whenever there’s no need for mutable state, I try to get rid of code which makes code mutable, which is often most visible in data structures. However, there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding on the concept of immutability, where developers often believe that having a final reference, or val in Kotlin or Scala, is enough to make an object immutable. This blogpost dives a bit deeper in immutable references and immutable data structures.

Benefits of Immutable Data Structures

Immutable data structures have significant benefits, such as:

Things That Start Badly…

The code has a super-simple email message with f"<html><body><p>stuff {data}</p></body></html>". It was jammed into an email object along with the text version. All very nice.

For a moment, I considered suggesting that f-string substitution wasn't a good long-term solution since it doesn't cover anything more than the most trivial case.

Magic With the Spring Boot Actuator

Spring Boot provides the Spring Boot actuator module for monitoring and managing your application when it is moved into production. Some of the production-ready features it provides are health monitoring of the application, auditing of the events, and gathering of metrics from the production environments.

For enabling the Spring Boot actuator, we need to add the following Spring Boot starter Maven dependency in pom.xml.