3 Steps to Developing a Successful GitOps Model

This is an article from DZone's 2022 DevOps Trend Report.

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What Is GitOps and Why Is it Important for an Organization?

GitOps is a model to automate and manage infrastructure and applications. This is done by using the same DevOps best practices that many teams already use, such as version control, code review, and CI/CD pipelines. While implementing DevOps, we've found ways to automate the software development lifecycle, but when it comes to infrastructure setup and deployments, it's still mostly a manual process. With GitOps, teams can automate the infrastructure provisioning process. This is due to the ability to write your Infrastructure as Code (IaC), version the code in a Git repository, and apply continuous deployment principles to your cloud delivery.  

Why I Am Thankful for DevOps

Here are some reasons to be grateful for DevOps.

In the United States, the end of the month of November is when time is taken to perform a retrospective-like event called Thanksgiving. What started out as a dedication to give thanks for the blessing of harvest and the preceding year has transformed into a time to simply be thankful for one's blessings.

Since Thanksgiving is recognized on the fourth Thursday in the month of November, I thought I would introduce a five-part technical twist with the following Thanksgiving-focused articles:

The Mindset Required to Treat the Network as Code

Changing the way you network requires you to change the way you think.

In order to accelerate automation, network operators need to change the way they think about managing the network and incorporate DevOps practices. By adopting modern agile processes, the benefits of treating Network Infrastructure as Code becomes more attainable. That being said, network as code initiatives require a mindset shift to enable success. Below are five essential concepts that serve as building blocks.

You may also enjoy:  How You Should Treat the Network as Software

Remove Humans From Network Device CLI

Transformational thinking is required when discussing network and software principles in conjunction. Questions such as, “What does each line or block of configuration mean to a network device?” and “How does it get managed and applied to the network device?” arise and require answers. However, if network engineers are still leveraging CLI to manage device configurations, there's no easy migration to the network being treated as code. Software code is stored in repositories (not template files) which allows developers to apply robust pipelines and processes in order to solidify deployment and reduce errors while increasing frequency. As a result, to move towards Network Infrastructure as Code, device configurations cannot be managed via templates, but rather in source code repositories.