Building Microservices Through Event-Driven Architecture, Part 8

During this article, I will talk about Event-Sourcing implementation of your application. This layer surrounds the domain and implements the uses cases (the application-specific business rules). It orchestrates the data flow and uses the domain model and infrastructures, and has no dependency on a database, UI or special frameworks.

You may also like: Building Microservices Through Event-Driven Architecture, Part 7

For our event-sourcing system, I will take all the uncommitted events from the aggregate and call a function of the repository which will have the responsibility to save the events in the eventstore. So I will call the function AppendAsync(EventStore @event) of IEventStoreRepository.

Voxxed Days Microservices: Katherine Stanley on “Creating Event-Driven Microservices: The Why, How and What”

Hi Katherine, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

My name is Katherine Stanley, although I am generally known as Kate. I work at IBM as a software engineer on a product called IBM Event Streams. IBM Event Streams is a fully supported Apache Kafka offering with value-add capabilities. I first became interested in microservices when I was working for the IBM WebSphere Liberty team. My role was to work with our customers to make sure getting started with Liberty was as easy as possible. My team quickly discovered that although Liberty is easy to use, our customers were getting stuck on microservices. I have always enjoyed presenting so since 2016 I have been presenting at conferences all around the world to help people understand and write better microservices.