Why You Should NOT Build Your Data Pipeline on Top of Singer

Singer.io is an open-source CLI tool that makes it easy to pipe data from one tool to another. At Airbyte, we spent time determining if we could leverage Singer to programmatically send data from any of their supported data sources (taps) to any of their supported data destinations (targets).

For the sake of this article, let’s say we are trying to build a tool that can do the following:

What Is ETLT? Merging the Best of ETL and ELT Into a Single ETLT Data Integration Strategy

Data integration solutions typically advocate that one approach – either ETL or ELT – is better than the other. In reality, both ETL (extract, transform, load) and ELT (extract, load, transform) serve indispensable roles in the data integration space:

  • ETL is valuable when it comes to data quality, data security, and data compliance. It can also save money on data warehousing costs. However, ETL is slow when ingesting unstructured data, and it can lack flexibility. 
  • ELT is fast when ingesting large amounts of raw, unstructured data. It also brings flexibility to your data integration and data analytics strategies. However, ELT sacrifices data quality, security, and compliance in many cases.

Because ETL and ELT present different strengths and weaknesses, many organizations are using a hybrid “ETLT” approach to get the best of both worlds. In this guide, we’ll help you understand the “why, what, and how” of ETLT, so you can determine if it’s right for your use-case. 

Deep Dive Into Join Execution in Apache Spark

Join operations are often used in a typical data analytics flow in order to correlate two data sets. Apache Spark, being a unified analytics engine, has also provided a solid foundation to execute a wide variety of Join scenarios.

At a very high level, Join operates on two input data sets and the operation works by matching each of the data records belonging to one of the input data sets with every other data record belonging to another input data set. On finding a match or a non-match (as per a given condition), the Join operation could either output an individual record, being matched, from either of the two data sets or a Joined record. The joined record basically represents the combination of individual records, being matched, from both the data sets.

What is Persistent ETL and Why Does it Matter?

If you’ve made it to this blog you’ve probably heard the term “persistent” thrown around with ETL, and are curious about what they really mean together. Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) is the generic concept of taking data from one or more systems and placing it in another system, often in a different format. Persistence is just a fancy word for storing data. Simply put, persistent ETL is adding a storage mechanism to an ETL process. That pretty much covers the what, but the why is much more interesting… 

ETL processes have been around forever. They are a necessity for organizations that want to view data across multiple systems. This is all well and good, but what happens if that ETL process gets out of sync? What happens when the ETL process crashes? What about when one of the end systems updates? These are all very real possibilities when working with data storage and retrieval systems. Adding persistence to these processes can help ease or remove many of these concerns. 

Guide to Partitions Calculation for Processing Data Files in Apache Spark

The majority of Spark applications source input data for their execution pipeline from a set of data files (in various formats). To facilitate the reading of data from files, Spark has provided dedicated APIs in the context of both, raw RDDs and Datasets. These APIs abstract the reading process from data files to an input RDD or a Dataset with a definite number of partitions. Users can then perform various transformations/actions on these inputs RDDs/Datasets.

Each of the partitions in an input raw RDD or Dataset is mapped to one or more data files, the mapping is done either on a part of a file or the entire file. During the execution of a Spark Job with an input RDD/Dataset in its pipeline, each of the partition of the input RDD/Dataset is computed by reading the data as per the mapping of partition to the data file(s) The computed partition data is then fed to dependent RDDs/Dataset further into the execution pipeline.

Databricks Delta Lake Using Java

Delta Lake is an open source release by Databricks that provides a transactional storage layer on top of data lakes. In real-time systems, a data lake can be an Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Store/Azure Blob storage, Google Cloud Storage, or Hadoop Distributed file system.

Delta Lake acts as a storage layer that sits on top of Data Lake. Delta Lake brings additional features where Data Lake cannot provide.

ETL and How it Changed Over Time

What Is ETL?

ETL is the abbreviation for Extract, Transformation, and Load. In simple terms, it is just copying data between two locations.[1]

  • Extract: The process of reading the data from different types of sources including databases.
  • Transform: Converting the extracted data to a particular format. Conversion also involves enriching the data using other data in the system.
  • Load: The process of writing the data to a target database, data warehouse, or another system.

ETL can be differentiated into 2 categories with regards to the infrastructure.

Learn How Data Mapping Supports Data Transformation and Data Integration

Data mapping is an essential component of data processes. One error in data mapping can cause ripples in the organization, bringing it to ruins through replicated errors and inaccurate analysis. So, if you fail to understand the significance of data mapping or how it’s implemented, you are minimizing the chances of your business becoming a success. 

In this article post, you’ll become aware of what data mapping is and how it can be done.

Accelerated Extract-Load-Transform Data Pipelines

As a columnar database with both strong CPU and GPU performance, the OmniSci platform is well suited for Extract-Load-Transform (ELT) pipelines (as well as the data science workloads we more frequently demonstrate). In this blog post, I’ll demonstrate an example ELT workflow, along with some helpful tips when merging various files with drifting data schemas. If you’re not familiar with the two major data processing workflows, the next section briefly outlines the history and reasoning for ETL-vs-ELT; if you’re just interested in the mechanics of doing ELT in OmniSci, you can skip to the “Baywheels Bikeshare Data” section.

A Brief History of ETL vs. ELT for Loading Data

From the first computerized databases in the 1960s, the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) data processing methodology has been an integral part of running a data-driven business. Historically, storing and processing data was too expensive to be accumulating data without knowing what you were going to do with it, so a process, such as the following. would occur each day:

Streaming ETL With Apache Flink

Streaming data computation is becoming more and more common with the growing Big Data landscape. Many enterprises are also adopting or moving towards streaming for message passing instead of relying solely on REST APIs. 

Apache Flink has emerged as a popular framework for streaming data computation in a very short amount of time. It has many advantages in comparison to Apache Spark (e.g. lightweight, rich APIs, developer-friendly, high throughput, an active and vibrant community).

Things to Know About Big Data Testing

Within a short span of time, data has emerged as one of the world’s most valuable resources. In an interconnected world, thanks to the technology revolution, huge amounts of data are generated each second. Big data is the collection of huge data that grow tremendously over time.

This data is so complex and large that traditional database management tools are unable to store and process it efficiently. Here is when big data testing comes into the picture. Let us discuss big data testing, its uses and the process of performing the test.

Wake Up From the Big Data Nightmare

Your data scientists putting the whole team (and data sets) on their backs

If you don’t actually work with Big Data, and you only know about it from what you hear in the media — how it can be used to optimize traffic flows, make financial trade decisions, foil terrorist plots, make devices smarter and self-operating, and even track athletic performance — you’ll probably say it’s a dream come true.  

However, for those who actually extract, analyze, and manage Big Data so it can do all those wondrous things, it’s often nothing but a nightmare.

Arm Twisting Apache NiFi


Apache NiFi, is a software project from Apache Software Foundation, designed to automate the flow of data between software systems.

Early this year, I created a generic, meta-data driven data offloading framework using Talend. While championing that tool, many accounts raised concerns regarding the Talend license. While some were apprehensive of the additional cost, many others questioned the tool itself, due to the fact that their account already had licenses for other competitive ETL tools like DataStage and Informatica (to name a few). A few accounts also wanted to know if the same concept of offloading could be made available using NiFi. Therefore, it was most logical to explore NiFi.

What Is a Data Pipeline?

You may have seen the iconic episode of "I Love Lucy" where Lucy and Ethel get jobs wrapping chocolates in a candy factory. The high-speed conveyor belt starts up and the ladies are immediately out of their depth. By the end of the scene, they are stuffing their hats, pockets, and mouths full of chocolates, while an ever-lengthening procession of unwrapped confections continues to escape their station. It's hilarious. It's also the perfect analog for understanding the significance of the modern data pipeline.

The efficient flow of data from one location to the other - from a SaaS application to a data warehouse, for example - is one of the most critical operations in today's data-driven enterprise. After all, useful analysis cannot begin until the data becomes available. Data flow can be precarious, because there are so many things that can go wrong during the transportation from one system to another: data can become corrupted, it can hit bottlenecks (causing latency), or data sources may conflict and/or generate duplicates. As the complexity of the requirements grows and the number of data sources multiplies, these problems increase in scale and impact.

Things to Understand Before Implementing ETL Tools

Data warehouses, databases, data lakes, or data hubs have become key growth drivers for technology-driven businesses of all sizes. There are several factors that contribute to the successful building and management of each of these data systems. The ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) strategy is the most important of them all. Nowadays, there are several best ETL tools in the market which allow businesses to design robust data systems. They are differentiated into open source and enterprise ETL tools on the basis of their implementation. This post is not focused on the best ETL tools in the market, nor does it compare ETL tools. What should you expect then? This post intends to build your understanding of the ETL processing and parameters to be checked before investing in an ETL tool.

Understanding the Basics of the ETL Processing

When developing a database, it becomes important to prepare and store data in comprehensible formats. ETL comprises three distinct functions (Extract, Transform, and Load) that are integrated in a single tool, which aids in the data preparation and storage required for database management.

What Is Data Validation?

Data validation is a method for checking the accuracy and quality of your data, typically performed prior to importing and processing. It can also be considered a form of data cleansing. Data validation ensures that your data is complete (no blank or null values), unique (contains distinct values that are not duplicated), and the range of values is consistent with what you expect. Often, data validation is used as a part of processes such as ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) where you move data from a source database to a target data warehouse so that you can join it with other data for analysis. Data validation helps ensure that when you perform analysis, your results are accurate.

Steps to Data Validation

Step 1: Determine Data Sample

Determine the data to sample. If you have a large volume of data, you will probably want to validate a sample of your data rather than the entire set. You’ll need to decide what volume of data to sample, and what error rate is acceptable to ensure the success of your project.

What Is Data Profiling?

Data profiling is a process of examining data from an existing source and summarizing information about that data. You profile data to determine the accuracy, completeness, and validity of your data. Data profiling can be done for many reasons, but it is most commonly part of helping to determine data quality as a component of a larger project. Commonly, data profiling is combined with an ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) process to move data from one system to another. When done properly, ETL and data profiling can be combined to cleanse, enrich, and move quality data to a target location.

For example, you might want to perform data profiling when migrating from a legacy system to a new system. Data profiling can help identify data quality issues that need to be handled in the code when you move data into your new system. Or, you might want to perform data profiling as you move data to a data warehouse for business analytics. Often when data is moved to a data warehouse, ETL tools are used to move the data. Data profiling can be helpful in identifying what data quality issues must be fixed in the source, and what data quality issues can be fixed during the ETL process.

What Is Data Loading?

One of the most important aspects of data analytics is that data is collected and made accessible to the user. Depending on which data loading method you choose, you can significantly speed up time to insights and improve overall data accuracy, especially as it comes from more sources and in different formats. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is an efficient and effective way of gathering data from across an organization and preparing it for analysis.

Data Loading Defined

Data loading refers to the "load" component of ETL. After data is retrieved and combined from multiple sources (extracted), cleaned and formatted (transformed), it is then loaded into a storage system, such as a cloud data warehouse.