When To Use Apache Camel vs. Apache Kafka?

Should I use Apache Camel or Apache Kafka for my next integration project? The question is very valid and comes up regularly. This blog post explores both open-source frameworks and explains the difference between application integration and event streaming. The comparison discusses when to use Kafka or Camel when to combine them, and when not to use them at all. A decision tree shows how you can quickly qualify one for the other.

The History of Application Integration and Event Streaming

My personal history and experience in application integration and event streaming are the following. It shows my background and how I see the integration and data streaming markets.

Understanding API Rate-Limiting Techniques in Zato

Enabling rate-limiting in Zato means that access to Zato-based APIs can be throttled per endpoint, user, or service — including options to make limits apply to specific IP addresses only — and if limits are exceeded within a selected period of time, the invocation will fail. Let's check how to use it all.

Where and When Limits Apply

Rate-limiting aware objects in Zato

Complex Cloud API Integrations Made Easy

Cloud-based connections are a staple of modern API integrations — this article shows how, in just a few Python code lines, Zato makes their usage easy, convenient, and extremely effective.


As per the diagram, in this article, we will integrate REST and FTP based resources with Dropbox, but it needs to be emphasized that the same code would work with other protocols.

How to Read Files and Transfer Them to Other Location Using TIBCO BW 6.5

In this article, we will walk through reading files of any types/extensions from one location and transferring all of them to other locations using Tibco BW 6.

All We Need Are Three Activities i.e.

  1. Timer: This will be our starter activity to start the process, you can have other starter depending on your use case.
  2. ListFile: This List Files activity is a synchronous activity that returns information about files or directories, or a listing of all the files in the specified directory.
  3. RemoveFiles: Remove File activity is a synchronous activity that removes the specified files from the directory. If the specified directory is not empty, it generates an exception.

Our Flow Looks Like

message flow

Enterprise Integration Patterns From ESB to ESP and API

Today, when we talk about enterprise application integration, we cannot avoid the pervasively-used enterprise service bus (ESB) pattern, which implements a communication system between mutually interacting software applications in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and has been adopted in most enterprise applications.

ESB can be used as an integration platform and primarily used in enterprise application integration (EAI) of heterogeneous and complex service landscapes. ESB is the backbone of SOA infrastructure. It has platform-agnostic nature and the ability to integrate with anything IT system with mixed environments.

Integration: API or ESB?

Application integration is essential for any successful digital transformation initiative. From Gartner:

 “Application integration is the process of enabling independently designed applications to work together.” 

Why Data Replication Should Not Be Done Using ESB-Based Integration Tools

This is one of the common questions we get when prospects come looking for data replication tools. It's more a question of Integration design patterns than of product implements.

Let's get started with what an ESB is - Enterprise Service Bus. This is an integration design pattern where messages are passed so that one or more Message Listeners can listen and consume the message - store and forward. These messages—like, say, emails—have a header (from and to), a payload (the message), and perhaps attachments. Based on the ESB, there might be some limitation on payload and attachments sizes.

Zato: A Successful Python 3 Migration Story

Now that Python 3 support is available as a preview for developers, this post summarizes the effort that went into making sure that Zato works smoothly using both Python 2.7 and 3.x.

In fact, the works required were remarkably straightforward and trouble-free, and the article discusses the thought process behind it, some of the techniques applied, and tools used.

5 Reasons to Get a Real Center of Excellence for Integration

Ah, integration! A subject that is close to my heart! A central subject in the IT of companies and in their good conduct. Unfortunately, while it is a central and clearly contemporary subject with API Management among others, integration is often considered as "has been." Like the new mainframe, for which no new development would be made (which is a bit of an urban legend by the way...).

The truth is quite different. API Management, microservices, iPaaS, message buses, data streaming, all this is integration! Let us, therefore, look together at the good reasons for considering integration to the point of having a center of excellence for integration.