How To Make a Windows Keylogger By Yourself

light up keyboard

Why Does an IT Security Specialist Need These Skills? 

Hacker world can be contingently divided into three groups: the so-called “skids” (script kiddies), “buyers”, and “black hat coders”. The first group includes beginners who use well-known codes and utilities to create something resembling simple malicious software. Buyers are teenagers and other thrill-seekers who buy such malware on the Net and use it to collect and sell personal and financial data from target devices.

The last group called “black hat coders” includes programming gurus writing the codes in a notebook and developing new exploits from scratch. Can anybody with good programming skills become one of the “black hat coders”? I doubt it but I believe any IT security specialist should know several concepts that are used to create malicious software. Always know your enemy:)

Enums With Class Features

Enums are great for storing constants, but they lack strong-typing because you can't create an instance of them. I want the best of both worlds. I want my switch statements to work off constants like enums. I want to pass these constants in a strongly-typed container.

While switch statements are often seen as a code smell, there are still plenty of situations where they make sense. Other enum alternatives have been posted by Steve Smith (Ardalis) and Jimmy Bogard (Los Techies) that are coming to a similar solution.

Enum Tricks: Two Ways to Extend Enum Functionality

In my previous article, I explained how and why to use enumsinstead of the switch/case control structure in Java code. Here, I will demonstrate how to extend the functionality of existing enums.


Java enumis a kind of a compiler magic. In byte code, any enum is represented as a class that extends the abstract class java.lang.Enum and has several static members. Therefore, enum cannot extend any other class orenum: there is no multiple inheritance.