Multi-Threading and Spring Transactions

As developers, we are used to applying the @Transactional annotation provided by the Spring framework and rely on the mechanisms implemented by the framework for transaction management. But is this enough?

Well, the answer is clear: No. 

JPA With Eclipse and MySQL Using Java Configuration

In this article, we will discuss the Java persistence API configuration with EclipseLink and MySQL.

The Java Persistence API is a standard specification for ORM (Object Relational Mapping) implementations. Also, it shows how to define a PLAIN OLD JAVA OBJECT (POJO) as an entity and how to manage entities with relations.

Tackling RESOURCE_LOCAL Vs. JTA Under Java EE Umbrella and Payara Server

Learning JPA is a road marked with a lot of questions. Some of the notorious questions include: "What is actually a persistence-unit?," "What is an extended persistence-context?," "Why is wrong to fetch read-only data as entities?," "Why should I care aboutRESOURCE_LOCALorJTA?," and so on and forth. 

This article targets people that are confused by the JPA transaction types,RESOURCE_LOCAL, andJTA. But, let's take it step by step.