Low Code Platforms — a Dangerous Bet

Is low code really low stress?

The low code application platforms (LCAP) have emerged in response to the complexity and variety of the modern software development landscape. Mendix is one of the most prominent players in this space according to Gartner, so let me use it as a reference in this article. Similar conclusions would apply to Outsystems, Appian, Kony, Betty Blocks and many other platforms.

You may also like: Understand No-Code and Low-Code Application Development Tools

The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise – Chapter 1: The Changing Development Landscape

This is an excerpt from The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise, written by Joep Piscaer. You can download the full guide here.

Software Delivery Has Evolved

The way we build and run applications has changed dramatically over the years. Traditionally, apps ran on top of physical machines. Those machines eventually became virtual. In both cases, the application and all its dependencies were installed on top of an OS.

This relationship between OS and applications created a tightly-coupled bundle of everything needed to run that application. Each virtual machine (VM) ran a complete OS, no matter how big or small the VM was, or how demanding the application on top.

Trends in Enterprise Software Development – 2019 and Beyond

Organizations on the cutting edge, the trendsetters, define the way others approach and conduct business, no matter the industry. Software companies are not immune to this phenomenon. Even the largest of enterprises define their roadmaps by what’s happening in the industry.

It is critical to stay ahead of software delivery trends. What is enterprise software and the trends that are shaping the way it is developed, distributed, and tested? Let’s explore…