Making an IoT Developer’s Life Easier With Eclipse IoT Packages

As an IoT developer, one is often tasked with putting together a solution that includes one or more open source components. I remember, even as far back as 2014, using components like Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT broker and Eclipse Paho MQTT client for a pilot project with IoT Gateway at Intel. Fast forward a few years at Red Hat, where I used components like Eclipse Kura and Eclipse Kapua for a European industrial automation project. Without realizing it then, I was using these components from Eclipse IoT open source projects.

Eclipse IoT Packages logoImage courtesy of Eclipse Foundation

How to Run Playwright Tests Sequentially in Same Browser Context

The Playwright is a new automation framework by Microsoft. The Playwright framework is distributed under MIT Open Source License. Playwright supports various programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, .Net, etc. 

Playwright Executes Each Scenario in Its Own New Browser Context

If you have worked with the Playwright framework you might have observed that if you write multiple tests inside the describe function, it gets executed one after another but each test runs in a separate browser context. That means that if you have performed a login in test1() it doesn't preserve those in test2(). The reason is that each time playwright executes the test, it creates a new context and executes the test. This feature also allows you to write independent tests and you can execute them parallelly with less execution time.

E2E Testing With Cypress on Jenkins With Parallel Pipeline Stages

In this tutorial for JavaScript end-to-end testing, you will learn about Cypress test runner for UI automation testing and how to use it with the Jenkins CI server. Cypress helps with frontend automation testing using a headless browser or just a regular browser. E2E tests often take a long time to run and for bigger projects, those types of tests can take dozens of minutes or even hours. To save developers time you want to load balancing Cypress tests across Jenkins parallel pipeline stages. Thanks to that, you can run your 1-hour test suite in a few minutes.

How to Speed Up Cypress Tests

Cypress is a Javascript End to End testing framework that has built-in parallelisation but in this article, we will cover Cypress parallel without dashboard service. You want to be able to run tests also when the external Cypress dashboard service API is down. It’s possible thanks to the Knapsack Pro client for Cypress with built-in Fallback Mode.

One-Click Builds End-to-End

We want to automate the build so that it is easy to use. We wanted it to be so brain-dead simple to use that we use it all the time and we invoke the build whenever we make even a minor change to the system. This is how we get the most value from our build — when we use it all the time.

To facilitate this we have the idea of the one-click build, which means that you can invoke the entire process with a single click. We can set this up so that when we save a change it re-compiles all of its dependencies on the local machine and then runs tests on the local machine. If these tests pass the changes are pushed up into the build server and a more complete set of tests are run against it. All of this should happen automatically. Ideally, we want the build to run fast and that means anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.

What is BDD and What Does it Mean for Testers?

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), as its name indicates, is not a testing technique, but rather a development strategy (as well as TDD, which is Test-Driven Development). What it proposes is to define a common language for the business and the technical team members, using it at the outset of development and testing, which is why it's important for testers to understand BDD.


I used to think about BDD as an evolution of TDD, but then I realized that it is much more than a simple evolution. It's a different approach that solves a different problem. In TDD, the focus is on the unit test, while in BDD, the focus is testing on a higher level, functional and acceptance testing, as its aim is to comply with the business and not just with the code.