Encryption Key Lifecycle Management: Tools and Best Practices

A data protection strategy is only as good as the encryption key security used. A robust cybersecurity management plan helps keep sensitive data protected and prevents data breaches. Implementing good practices and centralized tools helps effectively manage encryption key lifecycles, providing better regulatory compliance and overall security.

Encryption Key Lifecycle Management: Best Practices

Ensuring the security of cryptographic keys, tokens, and secrets involves different lifecycle management strategies and cybersecurity knowledge. Listed below are ten tips to keep your encryption keys safe and efficient.

How to Encrypt PDF Documents in Java

Proper documentation, intensive contracts, and extensive manuals form the backbone of the business, though, in modern business, much of this is retained digitally using document file formats such as PDF. Because your organization relies on so many of these forms of documentation, it is integral that you can protect the contents within from errors or outside threats. For the proper precautions to be put in place, utilizing encryption and permissions settings will ensure your PDF documents are only used in ways you deem fit, and cannot be accidentally or maliciously altered by other entities. 

Setting these parameters on each document, however, is a daunting and time-consuming task, and, if it is mistakenly forgotten, it can lead to major issues for you and your organization. By using the following two APIs, you can cut this risk as each document will be automatically encrypted with password protection. This password protection includes an owner password to control editor/creator permissions and a user password to control who can view the PDF.

How to Enable Sign-in With iOS Biometric Authentication

When developing a CloudEver app, I learned about iOS biometric authentication technologies, including Face ID and Touch ID. Then, I reviewed some apps with fingerprint sign-in features and found that many of them did not fully take advantages of iOS security capabilities. I would like to share my knowledge I've gained with the community, and I hope that the apps we use will be more and more secure.

Why Do We Need Authentication?

Most of the early Internet services mainly provided static content for everyone without login. Later, there were some dynamic services, such as forums, chat rooms, and so on. At that time, passwords were required for identity authentication. Since then, password authentication have been widely adopted by many Internet services.

Seven VPN Strategies to Secure Your Data

Companies that have given access to their network to their employees as well as contractors through VPNs, or at least through their free VPN trial versions, may witness an immediate boost in their productivity levels but find it tricky to keep their network secure.

This is because their network becomes even more vulnerable and easily accessible to attackers and hackers. So, if you are worried about the security of your data, then take a look at these seven VPN strategies for securing your data.