How To Check the Encryption Certificate of an AS2 EDIINT Data

AS2 aka Applicability Statement 2 communication protocol, one of the most widely used secured protocols used in the B2B world can sometimes be very tricky to troubleshoot, especially when you are trying to set up a new connection with your trading partner.

There can be numerous different reasons why your AS2 setup may not be working but in this particular article we are only going to talk about the error "insufficient-message-security" which comes in a negative MDN originated from the receiving party.

Still Using SHA-1 for Internal Certificates? It’s Almost Too Late to Update

How many organizations may have overlooked or delayed the migrations of SHA-1 certificates in internal environments? They are hard to find, hard to track, harder to monitor, and may not have expiration dates that would drive migration.

Everyone who didn’t feel they had to worry too much about replacing those hard-to-find internal SHA-1 certificates will now have to start worrying. Microsoft is in the process of phasing out the use of the Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) code-signing encryption to deliver Windows OS updates. On February 15th, 2018, Microsoft announced that customers running legacy OS versions will be required to have SHA-2 code-signing support installed on their devices by July 2019.

How to Screw Up Encryption

Today, we mess up encryption application in two primary ways. We either try to create our own (always a bad idea) or misconfigure protocols to use weak algorithms (also a bad idea, but it's surprisingly easy to do).

With respect to the first way we screw up encryption, we need to be a bit more detailed with respect to what we mean. When I say "create our own", I don't mean "try to create our own encryption algorithm". I mean, nobody's going to do this. Not that nobody can, after all the initials in RSA stand for real folks, but that it's likely that you don't know anybody who can do this. And that you don't know anybody who knows anybody who can do this. And for the most part we all realize this, so we don't try. Go us!