The Case for Software Architecture Makeover

A few years ago, a friend of mine shared with me a white paper that he thought would interest me. This paper described the concept of distributed application architecture through small self-contained application components deployed across a larger corporate network. Eager to impress my friend, I put down the article and exclaimed: “I know where this is going, microservices.” He smiled and replied, “Look at the published date.” To my astonishment, the white paper was published in the late ’90s on the subject of the then relatively new technology called Enterprise Java Beans (EJB).

Sometime later, I hosted a technology leadership forum at a major insurance company in New York. One of the key discussion points included emerging technologies, and of course, microservices. I used the “EJB” anecdote with a profound (sarcastic) conclusion that software architecture styles and patterns do not drastically change, but rather evolve, while software reference application architecture based on a particular technology stack has a lifecycle of emerging, mainstream, and legacy.

40+ Emerging IoT Technologies You Should Have on Your Radar

Learn more about the emerging IoT technologies that you need on your radar!

There are hundreds of software, hardware, and connectivity technologies that are relevant for IoT-type projects.

As part of the "State of the IoT — Summer 2019 Update,the analyst team at IoT Analytics handpicked 43 of the most promising technologies that are relevant to IoT projects around the globe. The team ranked the IoT technologies according to their perceived maturity (based on expert interviews, vendor briefings, secondary research, and conference attendances).

When to Use the Spy Satellite

Back when the public had a minor fear of World War III in the back of their mind, a military arms race was underway between the major powers of the world. In order to maintain a competitive advantage, those superpower countries started to employ technology into their arms race.

I recall watching a news program where one country was touting their latest ability from current satellite technology. I watched in awe, as this craft hovering in the atmosphere high above was able to take pictures of the earth below. Then, I became even more fascinated as the macro lens on the camera continued to zoom inward toward the earth. My jaw literally dropped when I was able to make out the license plate of a parked vehicle — which was taken from that same satellite.