Giveaway Emails: Essentials, Best Practices, and Inspiring Examples

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Giveaway Emails: Essentials, Best Practices, and Inspiring Examples

Giveaway Emails - Essentials, Best Practices and Inspiring Examples

As one of the most engaging and promising communication channels, email marketing offers numerous instruments to help entrepreneurs run their companies successfully. Along with promotional, transactional, and informational newsletters, the giveaway email can be a real boost for business. The …

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Guide to Customer Appreciation Emails, Examples and Best Practices

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Guide to Customer Appreciation Emails, Examples and Best Practices

Guide to Customer Appreciation Emails - Examples and Best Practices

Email marketing is an incredibly diverse area. It is about not only touting goods and keeping users up-to-date but maintaining healthy relationships with customers. The digital world can be cold and misleading. Therefore, without a one-to-one connection with clients, your …

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Improve your Campaign with Gift Card Emails: Best Practices and Examples

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Improve your Campaign with Gift Card Emails: Best Practices and Examples

Gift card emails are one of the most underused marketing avenues. People like discounts, special offers, and presents. Reciprocity goes a long way; even the smallest bonus can easily win over clients and compel them to visit your website. This …

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How to Set Up a High Conversion Email Marketing Campaign in 2022

This post is originally published on Designmodo: How to Set Up a High Conversion Email Marketing Campaign in 2022

How to Set Up a High Conversion Email Marketing Campaign in 2021

In the new year with new marketing strategies on the horizon, it’s time to dive into ensuring your email marketing campaigns are ready to convert customers. More than half of consumers still want brands to contact them via email as …

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Email Design Trends for 2021

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Email Design Trends for 2021

Email Design Trends for 2021

Even though the world looked different in 2020, subscribers’ tastes and preferences continued to shape and change elements of successful email design. Email design trends for 2021 suggest that people will be delighted to see newsletters with long text to …

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Email Signature Design Guide: Best Practices and Examples

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Email Signature Design Guide: Best Practices and Examples

Email Signature Design - Guide, Best Practices and Examples

Looking to create a lasting impact with your brand? An effective email signature is your answer. Everyone wants to make a powerful first impression, and an optimized email signature design can help you achieve that. It’s not just about leaving …

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High-Converting Re-Engagement Email Examples and Best Practices

This post is originally published on Designmodo: High-Converting Re-Engagement Email Examples and Best Practices

High-converting Re-engagement Email Examples and Best Practices

No one wants to lose customers. Sadly, it happens all the time. People need reasons to stick around. If you do not nurture subscribers or slowly react to changes in relationships, you can lose customers. Onboarding a new customer is …

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday Email Newsletter Marketing Ideas

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Black Friday and Cyber Monday Email Newsletter Marketing Ideas

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Email Newsletter Marketing Ideas

The biggest retail weekend is fast approaching. Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be here before you know it. It’s time to gear up. The beginning of the Christmas shopping season is the toughest period of the year for retailers. …

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Email Design: The Ultimate Guide with Examples

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Email Design: The Ultimate Guide with Examples

Email Design: How to Create a Newsletter

We are talking a lot about how to create successful email campaigns, featuring guides for every occasion: transactional emails, re-engagement emails, seasonal emails (as summer emails, fall emails, winter emails, spring emails), holiday emails, etc. Here, we are looking at …

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