Running Elasticsearch on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is quickly becoming the de-facto standard for running systems in the cloud and on-premises, and in the last couple of years we at BigData Boutique have had to deploy and support quite a few Elasticsearch clusters on Kubernetes.

Now is probably a good time to reflect on this and have a high-level write up on the topic. How can you run Elasticsearch on Kubernetes? Should you even do that? And what should you watch out for?

Elasticsearch Distributed Consistency Principles Analysis, Part 1

Elasticsearch (ES) is the most common open-source distributed search engine. It's based on Lucene, an information-retrieval library, and provides powerful search and query capabilities. To learn its search principles, you must understand Lucene. To learn the ES architecture, you must know how to implement a distributed system. Consistency is at the core of distributed systems.

This article describes the ES cluster composition, node discovery, master election, error detection, and scaling. In terms of node discovery and master election, ES uses its own implementation instead of external components such as ZooKeeper. We will describe how this mechanism works, and the problems with it. This series covers: