ELK Stack Installation and Demo

About ELK

ELK Stack is a collection of open-source products (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) developed, managed, and maintained by Elastic until a few years ago. The ELK application is a combination of Elasticsearch (search and data analysis), Logstash (central logging, log enrichment, and parsing), and Kibana (data visualization). For example, logging user behavior on a shopping site (which browsers customers come from, which countries, which products they visit, etc.) is one of these purposes.


Full-Text Indexing in Nebula Graph 2.0

1. Introduction

Nebula Graph 2.0 supports full-text indexing by using an external full-text search engine. To understand this new feature, let’s review the architecture and storage model of Nebula Graph 2.0.

1.1 Architecture of Nebula Graph

Architecture of Nebula Graph

Deploy Friday: E32 Elasticsearch Lightning-fast Search at Scale With Ease

Elasticsearch is a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine. It allows you to store, search, and analyze big volumes of data quickly and in real-time. Today, we'll discuss the success cases, tips, why you should use a search engine in your project, and where the project is headed in the future.


Compress Your Data Within Elasticsearch

Compressing is awesome, making something smaller than the original size sounds like magic but it is possible. We know it from our WinRar, 7Zip or other tools. Even Elasticsearch has a property to compress the data which will be tossed between the nodes and the clients, this could be very useful to reduce network latency when handling huge responses from Elasticsearch. Within this article we will cover the following topics:

  1. Enable HTTP/TCP compression
  2. Handling compressed responses
    • Elasticsearch 7.7 and below
    • Elasticsearch 7.8 and upwards
    • Future Elasticsearch release 7.9 and 8.0

Most of us are already familiar with Elasticsearch from Elastic when working with application logs, but a-lot of people never heard about. Below is a short summary: