Elastic Stack Guide Part – 2 (Heartbeat)

In the previous blog, we mainly discussed Filebeat and Metricbeat along with exploring the system module. In this blog, we will see the usage of heartbeat and how to monitor the services using heartbeat. 

Heartbeat should not be installed on each server you monitor, it should be installed on some separate servers from which you can monitor all url’s/services. For example, we have one server deployed at x.x.x.x:8000 at some server in AWS in the north region, then we can install heartbeat in our four servers in each region(north, south, east, west) of AWS and can monitor this server from all the servers to check whether services are UP from all India. 

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) with Elastic

With increased Cybersecurity challenges, firms are constantly battling to bring down the Mean Time to Detect/Discover (MTTD) of security threats. This is critical for multiple aspects such as customer satisfaction, legal compliance, and creditability of the organizations. The organization needs to identify, communicate and mitigate an issue before the user does.

As an extension to my earlier article on Cybersecurity Trends, let us explore how Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) can be achieved through Elastic.

Elasticsearch New Features: 2020 in Review

What a year 2020 has been! Social distancing and a lot of very weird situations. For some, it was a year full of difficulties, and hopefully a lot of growth and some good things too.

It has definitely been an interesting year for Elasticsearch. Many things happened, new features added and the product evolved significantly. We wanted to recap and share highlights of new features and usage recommendations. This post is about the things we consider as big changes, and important steps forward, based on our experience and what we see as important while actively working with hundreds of customers on Elasticsearch clusters of all shapes and sizes, from full-text search to log analytics and anomaly detection.