How to Create an AWS Continuous Deployment Pipeline Cont’d

In our previous post, we showed how to create an AWS Continuous Deployment Pipeline. This post will continue where we left off. We will enhance the pipeline with a Review stage, a more efficient use of the Maven cache and add notifications to the pipeline.

1. Introduction

In our previous blog, we created step by step a continuous deployment pipeline using AWS services. It is advised to read that blog first before continuing with this one. We will enhance the pipeline with a Manual Review stage. This will allow us to have an extra confirmation step before deploying a new version to Elastic Beanstalk. This is only necessary when you need this extra confirmation. When you are confident enough about the preceding steps in your pipeline, it is easier and faster to deploy automatically without any manual intervention needed.

How to Create an AWS Continuous Deployment Pipeline

Creating a continuous deployment pipeline will bring us a step closer to an automated build, test, deploy strategy. In order to create such a pipeline, we need to have access to several tools. Instead of installing these on on-premise servers, we can make use of the AWS cloud offer. Let’s see how this can be accomplished!

1. Introduction

We want to create an automated pipeline in order to ensure that no manual and error prone steps are required for building, testing and deploying the application. When a failure occurs during one of these steps, we will be automatically notified and can take necessary actions in order to resolve the issue.

Time Warping On AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk for time warping

From its inception, AWS Elastic Beanstalk was designed to reduce the complexity of running web applications in the cloud. Elastic Beanstalk is also designed from the ground up to support multiple programming languages, including Node.js and Python.

Secure and Deploy Your Spring Boot App With AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Authentication and good user experience are crucial for all applications. Developers and companies need a quick way to verify and validate the requesters, without sacrificing the user experience. Seem like a lot of work, right? Luckily, we have tools like Spring Boot with Spring Security that allows developers to incorporate authentication within apps effectively. 

In this post, we’ll use Spring Boot with OAuth 2.0 to build a “Hello World” app and deploy it through AWS Elastic Beanstalk. We’ll also use Okta as the OAuth provider.