IBM MQ in ECS on AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a serverless compute resource specifically designed for running containers. With AWS Fargate the deployment and management of the container(s) are controlled by either Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Initially, users often get confused by the relationship between Fargate and the container management solution (EKS or ECS). Therefore, I want to labor the point of the difference, when deploying a container within the context of an enterprise, any solution will include two components:

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in the Browser


This article about Progressive web apps is about implementing Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in your web app. For this, we use A-Frame and the WebXR Web API.

VR moves users to another world and lets them experience it as if they were themselves in this virtual world. AR, on the other hand, offers the possibility to blend the real and virtual worlds into one another. Both VR and AR offer unique opportunities for behavioral change, knowledge transfer, training, and research. For example, think of VR live streaming, social VR, and art. All this is now also possible in the browser!

Deploying Containerized Apps on AWS? EKS vs. ECS For Workload Deployment

A Little Foreword

In order to bridge the gap of delivering products quickly, all organizations are shifting the base architectural design patterns to distributed system architecture. It's kind of common practice to either bootstrap or transition the existing applications to containerized or server-less architectures.

Managing clustered applications can soon become an overhead when the organization scale and hence increases a dire need for a platform that can support automation of all the tasks related to management, deployment, scaling of these clusters.

Automate Docker Container Deployment to AWS ECS Using CloudFormation

Deploying Docker containers to AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) is straightforward and automated when you make use of CloudFormation to define your infrastructure in a YAML template. Here we'll be running through a simple example where we'll setup everything required to run an NGINX container in AWS and access it over the internet.

AWS ECS Overview

We've chosen to run the NGINX official Docker image as it will allow us to browse to port 80 and view the response to prove the container is running. To get this deployed into ECS, we'll need the following buildings blocks:

How to Use Standard MySQL Library Functions on Alibaba Cloud ECS and ApsaraDB

MySQL Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is widely used by developers because of its advanced features. These include dozens of built-in functions and transactions support. MySQL is also scalable, flexible, and secure to ensure round-the-clock uptime.

The RDBMS standard library functions are a specific set of routines that perform a specific task and return results very quickly. Hence, they eliminate the need to write a lot of code for handling database manipulation.

How to Deploy and Host a Joomla! Website on Alibaba Cloud ECS

Joomla! is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) and is one of the most popular website hosting software. According to the official website, Joomla! is built on a model-view-controller web application framework that can be used independently of the CMS, allowing you to build powerful online applications.

One of my personal favorites of Joomla! is the multi-language support with its large library of language packs. You can also translate the website admin backend with language extensions, helping you to easily localize your website.