What is Cloud eCommerce Solutions?

Most of us have heard of Google Cloud or Dropbox applications without knowing that those applications are built from Cloud E-Commerce platforms. So what is “Cloud eCommerce”, why “Cloud eCommerce solutions” become so popular among businesses? Which feature does it excel in? Let’s find out more!

What’s Cloud eCommerce?

The term “Cloud eCommerce” is essentially a term used to refer to a remote access model. You use your computer via the Internet to connect and interact with a server located very far away to use application services, storage, and data processing.

The Vital Importance of SaaS Buyer Persona Development

SaaS inbound marketing is used to attract new users to your product and convince them to pay for it. Buyer persona development can help you do just this, but what exactly is it? How do you create one, and where do they fit into your SaaS business? We’re here with some insider knowledge about how you can use personas to take your business to the next level.

What Is a SaaS Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of what your target customer looks like. This isn’t the same as gathering demographics, as it goes much deeper. It is modeled on how your ideal customer thinks and feels. It goes to the core of who they are and what they want from your product.