2022’s CMS Market Share Report – Latest Trends and Usage Stats

Are you looking for the latest CMS market share trends and usage stats?

These statistics can help you better understand the CMS market so you can choose the best CMS for your needs. Or you might even learn something new about your favorite content management system.

In this CMS market share report, we’ve collected the latest trends and usage stats for all the biggest content management systems.

2022's CMS market share report - latest trends and usage stats

CMS Popularity and Market Share Report 2022

We’ve divided this CMS market share report into several different categories. Simply use the table of contents below to jump straight to the statistics or content management system you’re most interested in.

CMS Usage Statistics

CMS usage statistics
  • In 2011, around 76% of all websites were hand-coded. By 2022, this figure had fallen to around 33%.
  • Today, over 78 million websites use a content management system. That’s around 58% of all websites.
  • When we look at the top 1 million websites based on traffic, almost 900,000 use a CMS. That’s nearly 90%.
  • However, experts warn that content management systems may be less popular in the business space. This is due to the higher costs of setting up a CMS for business use and a lack of CMS knowledge among small-to-medium enterprises.

The best content management systems make it easy to manage your content and create web pages, usually without having to write any code.

While it is possible to build a website without a CMS, you would need to learn a few different programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and PHP. You might even need to hire expert developers or web design specialists.

Without a CMS, you would need to write code every time you wanted to update your site. You might also have to deal with common errors if you make a mistake in the code.

With that being said, it’s not surprising that so many websites already use a CMS. In the future, we expect to see the number of hand-coded sites continue to fall, as more and more people realize the benefits of a good CMS.

CMS Market Share

CMS usage stats and market share
  • Throughout 2021, North America held a dominant share of the global CMS market, with Europe holding the second largest share.
  • Experts predict that North America’s share will continue to grow throughout the 2022-2028 time period.
  • When compared to other regions, it is estimated that Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa will contribute the least to the global market throughout 2022-2028.
  • According to experts, the government, life science, medical and health, retail, consumer goods, and defense sectors all contribute “significantly” to the size of the CMS market.
  • In 2021, enterprise web content management dominated the CMS sector, although the healthcare sector did acquire a “significant” share of the CMS market.
  • Experts predict that the Asia Pacific region will see the highest compound annual growth rate (CAGR) throughout 2022-2028. CAGR is the average rate that an investment grows or shrinks over a period of time.
  • According to experts, the CMS market in the Asia Pacific region is currently experiencing growth due to more small and medium-sized businesses adopting content management systems.

North America may continue to dominate the CMS market, but experts predict that the Asia Pacific region will get the highest return on investment out of all the regions.

This suggests the Asia Pacific market will play a much larger role in the CMS space, moving forward.

Content Management System Market Value

The CMS market value
  • The global CMS market was valued at approximately $35,903 million in 2018.
  • By 2021, the global CMS market was worth around $17.5 billion.
  • The CMS sector is predicted to hit $25.5 billion by 2028.
  • Experts predict that the CMS market will have a compound annual growth rate of roughly 6.5% between 2022 and 2028.

No matter whether you’re starting a blog, running a global eCommerce business, or making a small business website, the right CMS can help you succeed.

With 58% of all websites now using a CMS, it’s easy to see why this is a billion-dollar industry that shows no signs of slowing down.

WordPress Market Share

WordPress is the most popular CMS
  • WordPress has the biggest CMS market share.
  • Out of all the websites that use a known CMS, 45% of those sites use WordPress.
  • In 2022, WordPress has a 64.2% share of the global CMS market.
  • It is estimated there are 34,896,678 live WordPress websites.
  • There are over three million, five hundred thousand WordPress blogs and websites in the US alone.
  • When we look at the top 1 million sites based on traffic, 28.7% of those sites use WordPress open-source software.
  • 29.65% of the top 100 thousand websites use WordPress, and 29.41% of the top 10 thousand sites run on WordPress.
  • The WordPress CMS market share has grown from 55.3%-64.2% between 2011 and 2022, which is an 8.9% increase.

WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS, and that seems unlikely to change anytime soon.

The figures show that the number of hand-coded websites has decreased every year since 2011. At the same time, the number of WordPress websites has increased every single year. This suggests that WordPress is a popular choice among first-time CMS users.

This makes sense, as WordPress is one of the most user-friendly content management systems. WordPress is also one of the most flexible and customizable CMS platforms, and you can even download it for free from WordPress.org.

No matter whether you want to start a personal blog, an online store, or a multilingual website, you’ll have no problems finding the perfect WordPress theme and plugins. You can think of plugins as modules or apps that extend the core CMS.

WordPress is also optimized for search engines and gives you easy access to specialist SEO tools such as AIOSEO. All of this explains why WordPress has such a big user base.

Since WordPress is an open-source CMS, you can use it with a huge range of different WordPress hosting providers. Again, this makes WordPress a flexible CMS that appeals to lots of different people and businesses.

However, although WordPress has a far bigger market share than any other CMS, the content management system space is huge.

Even a 1% market share still translates to millions of websites. With that in mind, many of the content management systems in this report are still big players on the CMS market, even if they can’t compete with the sheer number of WordPress websites.

For more information, please see our ultimate guide on how to create a WordPress website.

eCommerce CMS Platforms Market Share

The WooCommerce eCommerce WordPress plugin
  • When you look at the top 1 million eCommerce sites, 2.67% of them use WooCommerce, a popular WordPress plugin.
  • 3.84% of the top 100 thousand websites use WooCommerce, and 3.82% of the top 10 thousand sites use WooCommerce.
  • Out of the top 1 million eCommerce sites, Shopify is the second most widely used CMS at 2.05%.
  • Meanwhile, 0.85% of those sites use Magento, and 0.49% use OpenCart.

It may not be a standalone CMS, but the statistics show that a significant number of online stores use WordPress and WooCommerce to create a CMS with eCommerce functionality. For this reason, we’re including WooCommerce in our CMS market share report.

According to the data, eCommerce sites that get the most traffic are more likely to use WooCommerce, although Shopify is a close second favorite among the top online stores.

Shopify is a fully hosted platform so you don’t need to worry about performance, which could explain why Shopify is used by 2.05% of high-traffic eCommerce sites.

Similarly, there is no shortage of managed WordPress hosting providers who can fine-tune your WooCommerce store and make sure it provides the best possible customer experience.

If you choose WordPress and WooCommerce as your eCommerce CMS, then you’ll also have access to lots of WooCommerce plugins that can extend and optimize the platform.

Since WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, you can also follow our ultimate guide on how to boost WordPress speed and performance.

With their managed hosting and high performance, both Shopify and WooCommerce have a lot to offer online store owners and entrepreneurs. For a more detailed look at these two platforms, please see our Shopify vs WooCommerce comparison.

Wix Market Share

Wix is the CMS with the second biggest market share
  • Out of all the websites that use a known CMS, around 10% of those sites use Wix. This makes Wix one of the most popular content management systems.
  • Wix is used by around 7 million websites.
  • In the United States, 991,860 websites use Wix.
  • Despite holding a 10% share of the global CMS market, Wix only powers 0.56% of the top 1 million websites.
  • 0.69% of the top 100 thousand websites use Wix, and 0.98% of the top 10 thousand sites use Wix.

When we compare Wix’s market share to its closest competitor, we get interesting results.

Out of the top 1 million sites, 28.7% of those websites use WordPress but only 0.56% use Wix. This suggests that Wix appeals to small sites and businesses that get less traffic, rather than high-traffic websites.

By comparison, high-traffic websites are much more likely to use WordPress.

For a more detailed comparison, please see our complete guide to Wix vs. WordPress – which one is better?

Squarespace Market Share

The Squarespace CMS
  • Looking at the websites with a known CMS, around 3.71% of those sites use the Squarespace CMS.
  • Around 2,896,221 live websites use Squarespace.
  • 0.69% of the top 1 million sites use Squarespace.
  • 1.36% of the top 100 thousand websites use Squarespace, while 3.16% of the top 10 thousand sites use this popular hosted platform.
  • Squarespace’s CMS market share has grown from 0.2%-3.0% between 2011 and 2022, which is a 2.8% increase in 10 years.

Similar to Wix, Squarespace is much more popular among sites that have less traffic, compared to sites that get lots of visitors.

This makes sense, as Squarespace is best known for its ready-made templates and ease of use, which makes it a great platform for first-time website owners and smaller businesses.

Squarespace also has some limits that may be less appealing to larger businesses. For example, Squarespace only has a few integrations with third-party services. This can be a problem for big companies that want to use lots of different software and services with their content management system.

All of this may explain why we see larger organizations opt for flexible platforms such as WordPress, while smaller sites tend to choose hosted platforms like Squarespace or Wix.

For more information on this topic, you can see our guide on Square vs. WordPress – which one is better?

GoDaddy Market Share

The GoDaddy website builder
  • 2.24% of all websites with a known CMS, use the GoDaddy website builder.
  • It is estimated that 1,750,645 live websites are GoDaddy sites.
  • When we look at the top 1 million sites, 0.02% of those sites use GoDaddy.
  • 0.02% of the top 100 thousand websites use GoDaddy, while 0.03% of the top 10 thousand sites are built with GoDaddy.

Our market share stats show that very few high-traffic websites use GoDaddy, which reflects the audience that GoDaddy seems to be targeting.

GoDaddy’s website builder is a simple and easy tool that lets you create a professional looking website without any special design or development skills. It comes with ready-made blocks and layouts, which are perfect for anyone who is looking to create a website, fast.

However, GoDaddy is not as feature rich or flexible as some of the other content management systems and builders on our list. This could explain why it’s only used by 0.02% of the top 1 million websites.

If you’re looking to move away from GoDaddy, then you can see our expert pick of the best GoDaddy alternatives.

Joomla CMS Market Share

The Joomla CMS
  • 1.72% of all websites with a known CMS, use Joomla.
  • It is estimated that 1,325,993 live websites use Joomla.
  • When we look at the top 1 million sites based on traffic, 1.34% of those sites use the Joomla CMS.
  • 2.04% of the top 100 thousand websites run on Joomla, while 1.89% of the top 10 thousand sites rely on Joomla as their CMS.
  • Joomla’s CMS market share has reduced from 10.9% to 2.5% between 2011-2022. That’s a 8.4% decrease in 10 years.

Joomla still has a significant user base, but the growing popularity of user-friendly platforms such as WordPress and Shopify have affected its market share.

Many shared hosting providers offer one-click install packages for Joomla. However, the Joomla control panel isn’t as straightforward as other systems, with lots of different menus and settings that you can use to customize your site. This means that Joomla has a steep learning curve.

By default, Joomla also doesn’t allow users to install extensions and templates from the control panel, which can make it difficult for first-time users to find helpful addons.

This is a powerful platform with a loyal fanbase, but with so many user-friendly alternatives we may see Joomla’s market share continue to decline.

To learn more, please see our guide to WordPress vs. Joomla Vs. Drupal.

Weebly Market Share

The Weebly content management system
  • 1.28% of all websites that use a known CMS use Weebly.
  • It is estimated that 991,368 live websites run on Weebly.
  • When we look at the top 1 million sites based on traffic, 0.09% of those sites use the Weebly CMS.
  • 0.17% of the top 100 thousand websites are built using Weebly, while 0.31% of the top 10 thousand sites use Weebly.

Weebly is a fully hosted platform that has everything beginners need to build a website, including ready-made templates. a built-in contact form, professionally-designed sliders, and photo galleries.

It’s an easy-to-use platform, which explains why Weebly has a user base of over 991,000 websites.

However, as a fully hosted platform you’re locked into the functionality that Weebly provides. You can’t hire a developer or designer to add new features to a Weebly website, which might be why so few high-traffic websites use Weebly.

For more details, please see our guide on WordPress vs. Weebly – which is better?

Drupal CMS Market Share

The Drupal CMS
  • 0.71% of all websites whose CMS is known, use Drupal.
  • It is estimated that 555,754 live websites use Drupal.
  • When we look at the top 1 million sites based on traffic, 2.93% of those sites are built using Drupal.
  • 6.82% of the top 100 thousand websites use Drupal, compared to 10.46% of the top 10 thousand sites.
  • Drupal’s CMS market share has reduced from 6.1%-1.8% between 2011 and 2022. That’s a 4.3% decrease in 10 years.

The CMS statistics show that Drupal has a smaller overall market share compared to other content management systems on our list. Despite this, Drupal is used by a much larger percentage of high-traffic sites.

By comparison, Wix has a much larger overall market share (10%) but is used by a much lower percentage of the top 1 million websites (0.56%).

Drupal may not be the most popular CMS platform, but it’s a powerful software with lots of support resources. It also has a reputation as a very secure CMS.

While smaller websites, first-time site owners, and bloggers are choosing user-friendly platforms, the figures show that Drupal still has a loyal following among high-traffic websites.

For more information, please see our guide on WordPress vs. Joomla Vs. Drupal – which one is better?

Shopify Market Share

The Shopify hosted eCommerce platform
  • Shopify has a 6.2% share of the CMS market.
  • Impressively, Shopify’s market share has risen from just 3.4% in 2020 to 6.6% in 2022. That’s an increase of 3.2% in just two years.
  • It is estimated that 3,834,405 live websites use Shopify.
  • Shopify is used by 2.05% of the top 1 million eCommerce websites.
  • 2.62% of the top 100 thousand websites use Shopify, while 3.99% of the top 10 thousand sites are Shopify websites.
  • During the fourth quarter of 2020, Shopify reported earnings of $977.7 million, which was a 94% increase compared to the same period in 2019.
  • In 2020, Shopify reported a 53% year-over-year increase in subscription revenue.

Shopify had a sudden spike in popularity between 2020-2022, which saw its market share rise by 3.4% in just two years.

Many experts say this is due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With physical shops closed around the world, many businesses needed an easy way to sell their products online during this time.

As an all-in-one fully hosted eCommerce platform, Shopify is a user-friendly choice for anyone who wants to launch an online store, fast. Shopify comes with full inventory management, unlimited products, powerful analytics, marketing tools, and lots of designs, all in one product.

However, Shopify forces you to use its Shopify Payment platform. If you prefer to use your own payment processing solution, then Shopify charges an extra 2% transaction fee which is very high compared to other eCommerce solutions.

With that in mind, we may see Shopify’s growth slow as store owners start to look for more affordable Shopify alternatives. For example, you might move from Shopify to WooCommerce.

CMS Predictions for 2022 and Beyond

CMS predications and trends
  • Experts predict that artificial intelligence and machine learning will be big trends in the CMS space.
  • In particular, they see an increasing demand for image recognition, voice recognition and transcription, natural language understanding and natural language processing in content management systems.
  • Studies predict that personalized technologies will be another must-have feature among CMS users.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning promise to make all kinds of tasks easier and more efficient.

The world of content management systems is no exception, and it will be interesting to see how these platforms use advanced technologies in the future.

Sources: BuiltWith Trends, W3Techs, Zion Market Research, Facts and Factors, Statistica, Shopify, BuiltWith Knowledge Base.

We hope this CMS market share report helped you learn all about the latest trends and usage stats. You may also want to see our research on top marketing statistics as well as latest web design trends and stats.

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The post 2022’s CMS Market Share Report – Latest Trends and Usage Stats first appeared on WPBeginner.

Joomla Blocks FLoC by Default, Drupal Moves to Block FLoC in Upcoming 9.2 Release

Joomla has announced plans to block Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) by default going forward. The security update, released yesterday, added a Permissions Policy header to disable FLoC. Users can now find a new setting in Global configuration on the Site tab in the Site Settings area, where they can toggle FLoC on if desired. This change will also affect existing sites updated from older versions.

The Joomla Developer Network blog outlined a few concerns contributors have about fingerprinting, the technology Google uses to gather information from a user’s browser to create a unique, stable identifier. They also highlighted cross-content exposure as another concern:

The technology will share new personal data with trackers who can already identify users. For FLoC to be useful to advertisers, a user’s cohort will necessarily reveal information about their behavior.
This means every site you visit will have a good idea about what kind of person you are on first contact, without having to do the work of tracking you across the web.
If you visit a site to buy a jumper they will have access to your cohort identifying number. This could also give them your political thinking or reveal that you are also in certain defined medical groups. There is nothing to stop these groups being backward engineered and your movement between the cohorts will reveal a lot about you over time.

A similar permissions policy header was added to Drupal 9.2.0-beta1 on May 14, after a lengthy discussion with overwhelming consensus to block FLoC. It is expected to be part of Drupal core on June 16, 2021, when 9.2 is scheduled to be released.

“I’d love to see this added to core and enabled by default,” Drupal founder Dries Buytaert commented on the implementation discussion. “We should provide an option/mechanism to disable it though.” He said he has already added a Permissions-Policy header on his personal blog.

Drupal makes disabling it a bit more of a hurdle than Joomla, as it requires setting block_interest_cohort to FALSE in the settings.php file.

Although FLoC is still in the experimental stage, many other frameworks and tools have blocked it or are planning to block it. The DuckDuckGo Chrome extension has been reconfigured to block FLoC’s tracking, in addition to DuckDuckGo Search opting users out. GitHub is also blocking FLoC on GitHub Pages and all sites served from the github.io domain. Although Chrome is the market leader by a wide margin, Google has not yet been able to sway any other major browsers to get on board. At this time, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Firefox do not plan to adopt FLoC.

“It is disappointing to see Google, instead of taking the present opportunity to help design and build a user-first, privacy-first Web, proposing and immediately shipping in Chrome a set of smaller, ad-tech-conserving changes, which explicitly prioritize maintaining the structure of the Web advertising ecosystem as Google sees it,” Brave CEO and co-founder Brendon Eich and senior privacy researcher Peter Snyder wrote in a statement on the company’s blog. “The worst aspect of FLoC is that it materially harms user privacy, under the guise of being privacy-friendly.”

Brave has disabled FLoC and the company recommends that all sites do the same, advising that “any new privacy-risking features on the web should be opt-in.” The post concludes that FLoC will not be an improvement on current ad tech:

Overall, FLoC, along with many other elements of Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” proposal, are a step backward from more fundamental, privacy-and-user focused changes the Web needs. Instead of deep change to enforce real privacy and to eliminate conflicts of interest, Google is proposing Titanic-level deckchair-shuffling that largely maintains the current, harmful, inefficient system the Web has evolved into, a system that has been disastrous for the Web, users and publishers.

What the Web desperately needs is radical change, one where “would users want this?” is the most important question asked for each new feature. Instead, FLoC and “Privacy Sandbox” ask “how can we make this work for ad-tech, in a way that users will tolerate or not notice.”

The open source Umbraco CMS is taking a more hands-off approach to the controversial issue. In response to a PR suggesting suggesting Umbraco block FLoC, Umbraco project manager Sebastiaan Janssen said, “We feel it’s not our place or task to enforce this kind of blocking, we believe site implementers should be free to use whatever services they think make sense for their sites (as well as block them when they want).”

At this point in Google’s Chrome’s Origin Trial, Chrome representatives do not yet know how the FLoC API will be finalized for determining which pages will be included in FLoC calculations. WordPress has not yet made a determination about whether to block FLoC or leave it site owners to decide. Multiple FLoC blocking plugins are already available to users who want to opt out now. After a lengthy and heated discussion on a proposal to block FLoC by default, WordPress core leadership moved the conversation to Trac where contributors are monitoring Google’s experiment.

The ticket has not yet received much feedback as WordPress is taking a more cautious approach that will depend on how Google decides to implement its FLoC API. Without the support of any major browsers, WordPress’ support or opposition may be critical to the success or failure of FLoC adoption on the web. Once more information from the FLoC trial becomes available, WordPress contributors will be in a better position to decide a course of action.

Best Practices for Testing Drupal Websites — Automated Visual Testing

Drupal is an open-source content management system used to build websites and applications. Drupal has great standard features, like easy content authoring, reliable performance, and excellent security. But what sets it apart is its flexibility; modularity is one of its core principles. Its tools help you build the versatile, structured content that dynamic web experiences need. In this article, we'll show you how to effectively test Drupal websites and applications using cutting edge vision-based technology.

Why Do People Prefer Drupal Over Other Open Source CMS's?

  • Reliability and scalability
  • Security
  • Easing out the complexity of the site
  • It is multilingual
  • Flexibility of Drupal
  • Easy for SEO

Refer https://www.vardot.com/en-us/ideas/blog/why-Drupal-best-cms-your-website for more information on above.

Drupal 9 Essentials

Drupal is an open-source content management system used by developers to create websites and online applications. Its numerous configuration options and extensions enable developers to dedicate more time to feature enhancements and system integrations. This Refcard introduces the core features and illustrates how a developer can use pre-defined, secure functionality to create complex data collection and delivery solutions.

At a Glance! Drupal 9 Features You Should Know About

Drupal is a recognizable open source CMS (content management system). Drupal is noted for its flexibility and tough security. It's always worth taking a glance at the major release on the horizon, like Drupal 9, which will soon ship in mid-2020.

It is going to be the first major release of CMS with backward compatibility. The upgrade would be effortless if you are already a user of Drupal 8. Let's discuss the Drupal 9 launch and the upcoming exciting features it’s going to come up with, and how you need to prepare your website for Drupal 9

Drupal 8

In this Refcard, a Drupal expert demonstrates how developers new to the Drupal 8 platform can get started creating web pages, applications, and more using this open source CMS.

Gutenberg Cloud Team Advocates for Making WordPress.org’s New Block Directory a CMS-Agnostic Library

Frontkom‘s presentation at WordCamp Nordic introduced the audience to the Gutenberg Cloud project, which allows developers to share JS-only blocks across CMS platforms. Marco Fernandes and Thor Andre Gretland, representatives of the 45-person agency based in Europe, are also part of the Drupal Gutenberg project that brings WordPress’ open source editor to Drupal via an optional module. The module’s release candidate has been downloaded more than 9,000 times.

In the video below, I had the opportunity to sit down with the team at WordCamp Nordic to discuss the progress on their Gutenberg-related projects. Frontkom has clients using the Drupal module in production and their experience echoes a theme that seems common among those who are using the Gutenberg editor with clients.

“We see that especially people who don’t have too much experience in general working with visual content online, they find it easier to use than the ones that are into a routine where they expect some behavior,” Gretland said.

Drupal’s Gutenberg module could become a primary driver for the Gutenberg Cloud project, as access to the cloud blocks is included by default for all installations. The Cloud Blocks plugin for WordPress has been much less popular so far, with an estimated 100 active installations.

We discussed the potential of Drupal adopting Gutenberg as its core editor and the Frontkom team predicts that it will likely remain a separate module. Their vision for both Drupal Gutenberg and the Gutenberg Cloud is to make Gutenberg “the go-to solution for editing rich content on the web.” It is still achievable as a separate module but would have more impetus behind it if Drupal adopted it for its default editor.

Gretland said idea behind the Gutenberg Cloud was to provide “a sustainable ecosystem of blocks but also ease of use.” The project is a precursor to WordPress.org’s planned JS-only single block library. We discussed whether they perceive any competition between the two directories.

As the discussion on make.wordpress.org was just developing at the time of the interview, I contacted Frontkom CTO Per Andre Rønsen later on to get their thoughts on WordPress.org’s planned block directory. He had commented on the proposal, asking if this could become a library of truly CMS-agnostic blocks.

“I commented on the Make WP blog post right away, because I simply loved the idea of a directory of JS-only blocks,” Rønsen said. “We haven’t discussed it directly with Matt, but have had some good chats with the core Gutenberg team, and are planning to meet on a weekly basis. If Gutenberg Cloud can serve as a proof of concept that WP.org can later adopt as their own, we are happy. As the spec is very similar to what we already have created, porting between the two will be easy.”

Rønsen is advocating for a more open approach that isn’t so strictly tied to WordPress’ infrastructure.

“A more ideal approach however, would be to merge the two efforts,” Rønsen said. “The key for us, is to make the infrastructure open to other communities, not just WP developers. We are happy to put our project in the hands of the WP core team – given that they share the same open vision.”

A CMS-agnostic library for Gutenberg blocks is part of Frontkom’s long term vision for improving the open web. This is one of reasons the team created Gutenberg.js, which provides a foundation for using Gutenberg on any CMS or framework. Gretland said they see it as “more than just a new editor but a platform that enables communities to build new features.” This is the vision the team came to share at WordCamp Nordic. Check out the video below to hear more about how the Gutenberg Cloud team is working to make Gutenberg an editor that more open source communities on the web can share.