Valohai Brings AI to GitHub


We had the opportunity to meet with Eero Laaksonen, CEO of as part of the IT Press Tour in San Francisco. Valoh is the Finnish word for lantern shark, a deep-dwelling, self-illuminating fish.

Eero believes automation is key to improving quality of life and that deep learning makes things that are not scalable today, scalable like looking at medical images and autonomous cars. Valohai strives to push all industries forward with the ability to do meaningful things faster.

Why Use Agriculture Drones? Main Benefits and Best Practices

Why use agriculture drones?

Although unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), a.k.a drones, had initially been built for military purposes, they are now widely applied in a number of industries. With the market for agriculture drones reaching $1.3 billion, agriculture is now the second largest industry after construction in terms of drone adoption.

The future of drones in agriculture looks promising: by 2026, analysts claim that the market for agriculture drones is set to reach $6.52 billion, expanding at 31, 4 percent CARG. The demand continues to grow as the costs of drones decrease and drone software in agriculture gets increasingly sophisticated.