What to Know About Drag and Drop App Builders

When you are a developer newbie, the realistic start may seem more like a bumpy ride to build the next great app which is still far from a Silicon Valley story. What do you do then? 

There are now tons of great low code or no-code development tools like drag and drop app builders that empower experts and people with little to no technical background to enter the digital market and transform it entirely. 

Drag and Drop Using Angular 7

Drag and drop is one of the new features which is provided by Angular 7. Angular 7 makes it very easy to implement this feature. So here, in this blog, we are going to learn how to drag and drop the items from a list of numbers using a basic example.

Before getting started with the implementation there are some basic pre-requisites which are necessary. If you are still using Angular CLI 6, then  you have to upgrade your Angular CLI version to Angular CLI 7.