Integration Dotenv With NestJS and Type ORM

When you are using third-party sources for app development, there is a need for the involvement of SSH keys or API credentials. This goes on to become a problem when it is handled by a team of developers. Thus, the source code has to be pushed to Git repositories periodically. Once the code is pushed to a repository, anyone can see it with third-party keys.

A very prominent and widely used solution for this problem is using environment variables. These are the local variables containing some useful information like API keys and are made available to the application or project.

A Complete Guide to Laravel 5.8 Installation

Released in February 2015, Laravel 5.0 has become one of the most popular PHP web frameworks. Being a versatile framework, it is the preferred choice of global developers and since its initial release, there has been a periodic update every six months. The latest one out of the lot, 5.8, was released in March.

Before moving ahead with Laravel 5.8 installation, let’s dig a bit deeper into the important updates and features that rolled out with Laravel 5.8.