How to Convert DOCX to HTML in Java

As we have discussed in previous articles, while the Word DOCX format is the go-to for creating text documents, it can be insufficient when we enter the web-based territory. When considering formatting for online documents, it is Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) that emerges as one of the clear winners for applications and websites. This dynamic language utilizes set cues or elements to construct documents that can be transmitted to browsers and presented to end-users as a readable web page. The structure of HTML even allows for the integration of images, interactive forms, and other objects that are more difficult to create with a straightforward Word document.

The Word DOCX format is actually based on a different markup language, XML (Extensible Markup Language).  Microsoft transitioned its most popular programs – Word, Excel, and PowerPoint – to an open standard, XML-based format in the mid-2000s. This move was to create improvements in file size, image compression, and security, as well as to maintain an edge over their competitors. While some users still prefer the older DOC version due to its compatibility with other platforms, the DOCX format is generally the better choice for current word processing projects.

How to Get Macro Information From Word and Excel in Java

According to the Microsoft website, a macro is a series of commands that you can use to automate a repeated task and can be run when you must perform the task. The use of macro instructions was originally initiated for assembly language programming to perform two main purposes: to reduce the amount of coding that had to be written by generating several assembly language statements from one macro instruction, and to enforce program writing standards.

Nowadays, macros are used for a wide variety of purposes and industries; Microsoft applications currently use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language to build their macros, and they allow you to choose whether you want to enable or disable existing macros from use. However, when Microsoft was first designing macro features for the Microsoft Office suite, they weren’t thinking about potential internet security risks.

How to Merge DOCX Files and Replace Text Strings in Java

Microsoft Word is one of the most recognized and utilized word processing programs across all demographics and is often the default formatted-text software for business use.  With the ability to easily format and edit text files of any type or length, a wide variety of document genres can be created with basic user knowledge.  

When working with multiple documents simultaneously, however, it may be useful to combine two or more files to create a longer file containing all the necessary information for your needs. For example, if you are building a documentation report detailing your services or organizing contract packets for potential partners, different pieces may be stored in separate files. This means that you will then need to go through each file and manually add the content into a master document file. With this comes possible issues with formatting compatibility and accidental, unwanted editing or erasure of text.