Docker Image Tutorial

In this article, I'll show you how to build and run a Docker image. Docker is a valuable tool for developing and deploying applications. It can seem complicated when you're first getting started, so I'll map out the process step-by-step for you. I'll be using Python code examples, but you can easily adapt this tutorial to your language of choice.

Install Docker

If you want to follow along, you'll need a system with Docker installed on it. For a Windows or macOS desktop, you can download and install the program from the Docker Desktop website. With Linux, you can install it using the package manager for your distribution. I'll be using examples from the Linux command line, but they'll be simple enough that you can adapt them to Windows or Mac.

How To Build Docker Images for Windows Desktop Applications


It used to be that people first downloaded their software onto a physical computer and then ran it. Now, with cloud computing, you no longer need to worry about awkward downloads. Instead, you can use all the same services online from anywhere and see updates in real-time.

Why Businesses Migrate Their Legacy Applications To the Cloud

  • Probably the first main reason for moving to the cloud is access to virtually unlimited computing resources. Cloud elasticity and scalability are essential elements of cloud computing. 
    • Cloud elasticity is the ability of a system to dynamically manage available resources based on current workload requirements.
    • Cloud Scalability is a scalable system infrastructure to meet growing workload demands while maintaining consistent performance appropriately.
  • Moving from the legacy Windows app to cloud computing lets you work anytime and anywhere so long as you have an internet connection. A cloud-based web service is accessible from any device.
  • In the current pandemic situation, team members are forced to work from their home offices. Using the cloud, your teammates can open, edit, and share documents anytime and from anywhere; they can do more together and do it better. Before the advent of the cloud-based workflow, employees had to send files back and forth as email attachments that a single user worked on simultaneously.
  • A public cloud provider owns the hardware infrastructure and is responsible for managing and maintaining it, so you don’t have to worry about maintenance. With a public cloud, you only need to focus directly on meeting your business goals.
  • Cloud computing reduces high hardware costs. You pay only for the actual consumption of resources.

Virtual Machines Vs Containers.

Containers and virtual machines (VMs) are the two main approaches to deploying multiple isolated services in the cloud. So how are they different?

Getting Started With Container Registries

Container registries serve as libraries to store and access third-party container images required during the build phase of the SDLC and the images produced for deployment to test, staging, and production environments. While public container registries are accessible and convenient, private registries can better integrate into existing CI/CD workflows, offer greater control over access and security, as well as help ensure build repeatability and reliability. This Refcard covers key container concepts and terminology; common use cases; and guidelines for container registry configuration, operation, security, and storage.

Tips for Optimizing Docker Builds

Docker images are used as the primary image in the Docker executor. They are the blueprints for containers, providing the instructions for how a container is spawned. In this post, I'm going to address a few often-overlooked concepts that will help with optimizing the Docker image development and build process.

How Do You Build a Docker Image?

Let's start with a brief description of the Docker build process. It is a process triggered by running the docker build command using the Docker CLI tool.

How to Reduce Docker Image Size

If there are top ten buzzwords in the technology industry in the year 2019, the container is sure to be one of them. With the popularity of Docker, more and more scenarios are using Docker in the front-end field. This article shows how do we use Docker in the visualization interface of Nebula Graph, a distributed open-source graph database.

Why Using Docker

Docker is widely used in daily front-end development. Nebula Graph Studio (A visualization tool for Nebula Graph) uses Docker based on the following considerations:

Docker Explained – An Introductory Guide To Docker

Say hello to Docker.

Docker has gained immense popularity in this fast-growing IT world. Organizations are continuously adopting Docker in their production environment. I take this opportunity to explain Docker in the most simple way. In this blog, the following Docker concepts will be covered:

Customizing Docker Images

Back in the day, when I was beginning to work on public-facing projects, setting up a development environment was really tedious. You have to install all the required software’s on the host machine. Relocating a project from one host to another sometimes comes to be the real work.

Now, the trend seems to have been changed. Once you want to work on a project, you start setting up a virtual machine on a remote computer that your company provides or a local virtual machine (at least in my company people prefer to work on virtual machines). There are many benefits, but one that I use all the time is the ability to take a virtual machine from one host and run it on a different one. Other than that, the ability to have multiple operating systems is very valuable for both development and testing.