Building Mancala Game in Microservices Using Spring Boot (Part 1: Solution Architecture)

Make a Mancala game like this! 

Nowadays with the popularity of Microservices, when we talk about scalable application development, we inevitably think of composing the application into highly decoupled microservices which can be scaled up independently according to the customers' needs and yet can be managed through various available industry-standard tools such as Docker-compose, Kubernetes, Istio, Linkerd, etc.

Docker Compose CI/CD in Azure DevOps

Juggling multiple things at once

For one of our clients who is a very big player in medical device development, we had to develop a solution which will be easily deployable in the cloud or on-premise infrastructure. So, as you might suspect, we knew that we will work with containers.

There was no discussion of containerization technology, so Docker first and Docker Compose second.

Running Multiple Services Inside a Single Container using Supervisord

In this blog, I am going to explain how to run multiple services inside a single container and how to effectively use Docker compose and persistent volume in a local development environment — using Supervisord and Docker compose. A container is a light-weight platform for running applications along with its dependencies in an isolated environment. It is good to run a single service inside a container.

Though we can access the different services hosted in different containers using a container network, we can get the same benefits by running multiple services in a single container. There are some situations where we need to run more than one service inside a container and it should be accessible from the container host or network. For example, apache/nginx http   server along with an FTP server or some microservices that are running inside the same container with different processes.

Code Analysis With SonarQube + Docker + .NET Core

Nowadays, code quality is very important. We have several tools and components in the market that help us to identify possible problems and one of them is SonarQube, a free tool in the Community version. In other versions, the price varies according to the Developer features/Enterprise/DataCenter.

SonarQube performs various analyzes, bugs, code smells, test coverage, vulnerabilities, and duplicate blocks. Thus, identifying problems, such as a WebClient that has neglected to give a dispose.