Hyperledger vs. Ethereum: Which Will Benefit Your Business?

Initially, cryptocurrency markets started out on a slow incline, but this year, in the first week of April, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum demonstrated new momentum with a 20 percent gain in investment ratio.

“This is a time of great opportunity” for enterprises. How? The new changes and growth will facilitate greater adoption of Hyperledger and Ethereum among the leading enterprises and communities of respective organizations.

The Role of Erlang in Programming Blockchains

With the advent of blockchain technology, we’re witnessing an explosion of interest in bringing to life the decentralized applications of the future. Some of the best-known programming languages used in the development of blockchain platforms are object-oriented languages. Languages such as C++, Python, and the purpose-built Solidity have so far dominated the blockchain scene.

Functional programming languages are quickly becoming a developer’s first choice when building Dapps, as they largely influence what can and can’t be done, and possess unique features that help them exhibit important comparative advantages.

Blockchain to Revolutionize Banking Sector

The banking sector forms the backbone of any economy. With the technology innovations making way into the arena, the banking sector has been moving away from traditional methods. It has shown steady acceptance of modern age banking methods for the faster and more dependable outcome. On the other hand, blockchain technology has gained popularity on a large scale since its introduction in 2008. This development has presented the impending benefits of blockchain technology in the banking sector in terms of transparency and security.

Concerns Related to Present Day Banking

One of the primary aspects of the banking sector is security. Though in India, with more than 90 percent of the transactions are performed in cash, digital channels are increasingly popular nowadays. This has increased the scenario for cybercrime. Cyber attacks are prominent in recent times. The massive data breach of over 3 million debit and credit cards that occurred around 2 years back has shown the prominent security gaps in the banking segment. Another area of concern is the increased occurrence of fraudulent transactions. Reports and sources reveal that there has been approximately a 20 percent increase in bank fraud cases over the past five years.

Useful Programming Libraries to Create Your Own Cryptocurrency Wallet

Since 2009, and especially over the past few years, cryptocurrency development has become a skill in high demand. Whether you are looking to create a new currency or contribute to an existing project, creating a new user-friendly wallet is a necessary part of the process. This includes creating a front-end and a back-end to the client.

For inspiration, you should take a look at the source code of some of the top cryptocurrency wallets. If you wish to compete with what’s on the market, features like offline cold storage, paper wallet generation, or asset management would be well received.

A Guide to Blockchain Immutability and Challenges

There are thousands of tales spread throughout the world about blockchain. It is true that this technology is premier among all. Not only did it give birth to cryptocurrencies but it also resolved various security issues.

As I mentioned, a number of tales are there, but the most questioned and discussed tale is the immutability of a blockchain. In this post, I am shedding some light on this aspect. So, let's take a glimpse.

Time to Bring a Revolution to Agriculture Through Blockchain

It wasn't too long ago when agriculture started reaping the benefits of technologies from precision farming, and now, there are many technologies available to help farmers maximize their profits. Now, farmers have many technology options available to get all the information needed for every phase of farming.  The world's population is constantly growing and many farmers are leaving their profession, especially in developing countries, and the burden is growing on the remaining farmers that feed the world.

With the emergence of Bitcoin, the world has seen new capabilities of technology in completing safe and secure transactions that are low cost and trustworthy. However, it is important to understand the underlying technology used for Bitcoin and how it is beneficial for the agriculture industry.  Until now, everyone has seen a central governing authority where single-party governs all transactions. Blockchain technology is shifting trust on a completely new level because there is no central authority that hack-prone, expensive, and/or time-consuming. On a blockchain, all nodes connected to the blockchain have their own copy, and before making a transaction, a consensus happens between nodes to allow the transaction. Technically, this is a distributed database, and if someone wants to hack the system, then it is extremely complex or, in simpler terms, chances are slim to none.

The Need for Layer 3 on the Internet of Value

Over the past decade, we have witnessed the emergence of revolutionary innovation, of which the evolutionary significance is yet to be fully recognized. Of course, we’re referring to the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and, more generally, the phenomenon that we describe as the Internet of Value. Blockchain and related technologies have the opportunity to transform the world of finance and other value systems, in exactly the manner by which the Internet has transformed the way we exchange information.

There have been some key milestones leading up to this point: the launch of Bitcoin in 2008; the emergence of altcoins from 2011 onwards; the launch of Ethereum in 2015. We call this Layer 1 — the foundational level — with the economic function of value creation and the technical one of ensuring the basic functionality of accounting and transfer of crypto assets. All of this is implemented on the basis of distributed registries and with the conditions of interaction strictly regulated at the code level.

Public Vs. Private Blockchain

Blockchain is a super hot topic right now — with every business — from big banks to small businesses —wondering how they can leverage this new technology to help get ahead and one-up their competition. But what exactly is blockchain? 

To delve a little deeper into the specifics of blockchain, particularly as it relates to business purposes, we need to outline the differences between a public blockchain and a private blockchain.

Start a Career in Blockchain App Development

Blockchain technology has taken the leading position amongst software development companies in terms of the demand for programmers. Talented blockchain engineers are currently the most required in the field and gain, on average, more than $150, 000 per year in the United States.

However, many growing talents in software engineering still have a lot of questions related to blockchain development and concerns about the security of the app architecture. Referring to the word “blockchain,” it can be described as an online system that is duplicated on thousands of computers and distributes the information amongst them. These machines are called “nodes” and they help build the blockchain. This distribution and the specifics of the blockchain architecture allow keeping the Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies data safe from hacker attacks.