Using the Django REST Framework to Develop APIs

Using the Django REST Framework to Develop APIs

If you know the basics of the field you work in, you can master any technology, reach higher levels as a developer, and create better products. In this article, we'll talk about building APIs and see how to do it step by step. I believe this is going to be useful for all beginner Django developers, as REST APIs are used in every application or piece of software to connect the backend and frontend parts. If you master this, you can build all kinds of products.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Your API

In this Django REST framework tutorial, we'll go through all the stages of building an API in great detail.

Tips for Beginning Backend Web Developers to Advance Quickly

U + Django = <3

It’s easy to learn to build scalable interactive web sites if you choose a simple learning path. I recommend you start with Python and Django instead of JavaScript and Mongo, Express, Angular (or React, Vue) and Node (MEAN) stack.

I've observed the success and failure to approaches that thousands of developers took to access a REST-like API in the RICOH THETA developer community. I saw problems students encountered in workshops and one-on-one training. Novice backend developers finish more projects when they use Python. To get people started quickly, I developed a free video course on YouTube, The Beginner Django Tutorial.