4 Ways Cloud Helps Future-Proof Your Teams

Cloud is no longer a differentiator – it’s a strategic requirement for long-term success. So says Forrester’s Benchmark Your Enterprise Cloud Adoption report, and so say our customers, 90 percent of whom choose our cloud products over hosting tools on-premise (on-prem). 

Ten years ago, moving to the cloud was about staying ahead of the curve – no longer. Now, it’s about keeping up, and providing customers and employees with the always-on services they expect.

9 Tools For Remote Teams to Stay Connected and Productive

An increasing number of working professionals are choosing to work from home or remotely. Going by the numbers, since 2005, the percentage of remote workers has grown by 140% which is nearly 10x faster than the self-employed workforce.

While remote workers enjoy many benefits, they have to deal with some challenges as well — different time zones, communication problems, unreliable and insecure ways to transfer information, and poor collaboration.

Bjorn Freeman-Benson: Three Challenges of Distributed Teams

Distributed team: are they the solution to our staffing problems, or an expensive fantasy? I had the opportunity to sit down with Bjorn Freeman-Benson earlier this month to explore these questions.

Bjorn is an experienced software leader. Highlights of his career include heading up engineering at New Relic as it grew from 3 developers to 330; growing Invision from 60 developers to 350 as its CTO; working on VisualAge Smalltalk at OTI (Object Technology International); and coordinating the open-source Eclipse developers at the Eclipse Organization.