The Bitcoin Blockchain Explained

Bitcoin is the world’s first and most popular digital currency. It is decentralized and controlled by no one. How does it work, and why can you trust it? After all, if computers can copy any file, why can’t I just make copies of my bitcoins? And if it is not controlled by any one central party, what prevents me from making or forging transactions for bitcoins I don’t own? This article will explain in layman’s terms how Bitcoin works and provide information on how the technology backing Bitcoin can be used for business use cases beyond simply a digital currency.

Bitcoin works by solving three record-keeping challenges without the need for a central record keeper like a bank:

Apache Kafka and Blockchain: Friends, Enemies, or Frenemies?

This blog post discusses the concepts, use cases, and architectures behind Event Streaming, Apache Kafka, Distributed Ledger (DLT), and Blockchain. A comparison of different technologies such as Confluent, AIBlockchain, Hyperledger, Ethereum, Ripple, IOTA, and Libra explores when to use Kafka, a Kafka-native blockchain, a dedicated blockchain, or Kafka in conjunction with another blockchain.

Use Cases for Secure and Tamper-Proof Data Processing With a Blockchain

Blockchain is a hype topic for many years. While many companies talk about the buzzword, it is tough to find use cases where Blockchain is the best solution. The following examples show the potential of Blockchain. Here it might make sense:

Blockchain for Logistics: Considerations for Successful Implementation

Almost all major manufacturing companies have a global footprint and continuously move materials from one geographical region to another. Multiple service providers — Freight Forwarders, third party logistics service providers, and carriers — work together in moving materials and act as parts of one single shipping network. Effective collaboration among all these different types of organizations is critical to the success of any supply chain.

Blockchain architecture, which was evolved from distributed computing theory, helps creating a distributed digital ledger that can be shared among different parties and still keep the data clean and accurate. After creating the first impact in digital currencies, Blockchain is now a significant focus area in Logistics.

Tech Talks With Tom Smith: Blockchain Use Cases Proliferate

I had the opportunity to meet with Frank Xiong, Group VP, Oracle Blockchain during Oracle Open World.

By building the Oracle Blockchain Platform in eight geographically dispersed data centers around the world, Oracle is enabling customers to build blockchain applications more easily since the platform provides all the necessary plumbing and obfuscates a lot of complexity. This allows developers to focus on the business problem they are trying to solve. Companies are able to get up and running with a blockchain-driven application in 15 minutes.