Database Migration tools: Flyway vs. Liquibase

I believe that there is no need for describing why the usage of database migration tools is vital for modern days apps that utilize relational database engines. I will only say that they can make our life much easier and help us to automatize a complex and repetitive process.

Through the course of this article, I will provide some more insights into similarities and differences between two of the most common open-source migration tools, namely Flyway and Liquibase.

[Discussion] Commuting to Work

Commuting to work has been the worst for a long, long time.

The opening scene from the 1993 Michael Douglas film Falling Down (above) could very well have been shot yesterday. No, I'm not talking about the 90s buzz cut or the short sleeve collared shirt, but I am talking about its spot on depiction of the hell that is gridlock.

Traffic is at a standstill, the weather is sweltering, and Michael Douglas just can't even -- to the point where he actually abandons his vehicle under an overpass to alleviate the stress of it all. And let's be honest, we've all dreamt about doing the exact same thing at one time or another.