5 Thrilling Questions About Digital Age Verification Answered!

Do you know that presently, 94% of the people with an age group of 3 to 18 can access the internet effortlessly? Among them, 88% can access the internet via computers and the remaining 6% can access the internet only via smartphones. The rest of the 6% do not have any in their houses. 

With great numbers comes great responsibility. The pandemic year was a major excuse for online education. Parents have to permit their children to have internet access for their online studies. But also, parents these days are busy enough that they do not have spare time to keep a critical eye on their child’s activities. This results in unauthorized child access to age-restricted content and products, resulting in child exploitation. Children are getting smarter and smarter in parallel to technological innovations and advancements. Effortless access to age-restricted content has become a major concern of teachers, parents, and e-retailers. There exist a wide range of e-commerce platforms that sell tobacco, alcohol, etc. 

Healthcare Digital Transformation: What to Look for in 2021

The adoption of digital and technological advancements in healthcare has been up to the mark at all times. Doctors work toward implementing robotics, while patients look into personalized apps and solutions to facilitate their connection to the system. Yet, the digitalization levels of healthcare systems vary tremendously depending on the continent, region, and country, as the 2020 experience showed. This year will see new challenges associated with the implementation of tech advancements in healthcare, but before getting there, let’s define the concept of digital transformation in healthcare and its current state.

What Is Digital Transformation in Healthcare all About?

The definition of digital transformation states that it is the adoption of digital technologies in a business with the purpose to change and improve that organization. The idea seems to be clear, yet it does not provide what it means for healthcare in particular. The industry is expected to valuate at $210 billion by 2025, so this should be a big deal, right? The world has been talking about healthcare digital transformation trends for quite some time, and, in 2020, we saw many perks, like telemedicine. But is that it? Or maybe digital transformation is something else?

IT talent: The Most important Skill To Develop in 2021 Is DevOps

We may not want to admit this but many of us (myself included) are guilty of not doing something important unless we’re forced to do it. We push off those health goals until we get an unusual test result from the doctor or finally head to the dentist when our molar aches. In the same vein, like we want to keep our bodies healthy, business leaders have the same goal of keeping their business evolving as time progresses, with the help of digital transformation. Yet, before COVID, some digital transformation strategies were reserved for the backburner or moonshots.

Up until this year, the world hasn’t changed the way we work in this magnitude, forcing us to work in a dominantly remote way. The inability to travel and lack of physical access to people has pushed us to embrace the digital methods we knew we had to have in our arsenal for the past decade. 

The Digital Age: The Era We All Are Living In

The way we live, work, and play has changed dramatically over the course of the past half-century. The 9-5 economies of years past have been replaced with globally integrated 24/7 service offerings. Consumers in the digital age have access to a host of services and products that would have previously been considered available only in the realms of science fiction.

This change has been a long time coming and while the industrial revolution helped start this transformation, it is only now in the information age that individuals are really able to embrace these changes. In this new digital age, access to knowledge is greatly improved. Data that was previously only accessible to scientists and government officials are now freely accessible to all.

2021: Autonomous Cloud Operations, Agile App Security, Customer-First Approach Will Drive Second Wave in Digital Transformation

The pandemic did not create the need for digital transformation, but it has accelerated it dramatically. Some organizations’ capacity for digital services was, to put it simply, unprepared for the volume of new users. Other organizations were positioned better to adapt quickly because they invested in capabilities such as AI-assistance and continuous automation beforehand.

Last year’s increased demand for digital services and the urgency to adapt quickly to users’ needs will precipitate a rise this year in user experience-driven digital transformations, a renewed need to streamline operations by integrating application security into DevSecOps, and accelerated adoption of autonomous cloud operations.