Why Your Digital Transformation Strategy Must Include Continuous Testing?

Traditional approaches to enterprise IT – typically reliant on time-consuming, manual processes – have been overtaken in recent years by more agile, efficient, outcome-orientated models. 

And with that shift putting an emphasis on faster cycles of development for software products, DevOps and Agile methodologies are now essential for any business looking to succeed with a meaningful digital transformation initiative.

What Does Digital Transformation Mean for the Software Industry?

New trends and technologies are rapidly emerging in the IT world. Clients today prefer innovative solutions that can be made available to them as soon as possible. Whether adding new features for existing products or launching completely new software, deploying new functionality continuously becomes the need of the hour.

According to Hinge Business Study, changing buyer's requirements and unpredictability in the marketplace were the main challenges businesses face.

Oracle Fusion Cloud vs. Propel PLM

Digital innovation is not only evolving the product's features but also the way they are designed and manufactured. To remain relevant in the changing market dynamics, enterprises must continuously strategize ways to optimize operational efficiency and infrastructure costs, improve product quality, and reduce time to market to accelerate the overall growth of the business.

Enterprises are required to embrace digital transformation and innovate at a faster rate. However, to achieve this, it is essential to choose the right PLM software. With several PLM options available on the market, it can be a daunting challenge to choose the right PLM software that best fits your business needs. That's why we have picked two industry-leading SaaS PLM platforms: Oracle Fusion Cloud and Propel PLM, and we will compare the differences between both solutions so that you can make an informed decision for your next PLM investment.

Forget the Dire Headlines! Federal IT Modernization May Be Closer Than You Think

In a world of remote work and on-demand delivery, it’s hard for any organization to win consumer trust with bad digital services. The same is true for the federal government which lags the private sector on customer satisfaction, scoring lower than any other industry or sector studied according to research firm Forrester. But President Joe Biden recently signed a sweeping executive order aimed at modernizing government and improving customer experience and service delivery at federal agencies. The move comes after decades of delays and missed deployment dates that have contributed to the glacial pace of digital transformation in government. 

But while it remains to be seen whether Biden’s executive order will turn things around, one notable technologist thinks federal agencies are already making headway in living up to the promise of digital transformation. 

Zero Trust Security Model to Safeguard Software Apps

We've all heard a lot about digital transformation and how it affects the IT world. Each of these technologies, whether it's big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), or cloud computing, has made a significant contribution to a range of enterprises. Few people, however, talk about the complexity they add, especially in the context of business network infrastructures.

The fences are crumbling, and there is a hazy peripheral that is causing security concerns.

An Introduction to No-Code App Platform for Business

What Is No-Code Development, and How Does It Work?

No-Code development is a distinct method of software development that facilitates digital transformation in businesses of all sizes. In layman's terms, no-code development is the process of creating apps without writing any code.

No-code platforms based on SaaS enable enterprises to produce software considerably quicker and for a fraction of the cost of a typical code-based approach. Traditional coding initiatives take ten times longer to complete than no-code development projects.

Application Modernization and 6 R’s

Enhanced functionality, rapid innovation, increased efficiency, reduced operational and infrastructure costs, more scalability, improved overall experience, and resiliency ... It's like a door to unlimited possibilities has been unlocked with the cloud. 

Shifting your business' apps to the cloud has numerous advantages, including those outlined above. The problem is that many firms don't grasp that leveraging the cloud's benefits requires a little more than just application transfer. 

The Role of AR/VR in Transforming the Manufacturing Industry Digitally

With the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution, the concept of Industry 4.0 has been introduced. It is actually the digital transformation of the manufacturing industries by the use of advanced technology like robotics, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR).  It is also called smart factories.

Out of these advanced techs, AR and VR are forming a bridge between the physical and imaginary world of manufacturing by forming a cyber-physical system. Augmented reality and virtual reality have revolutionized the manufacturing businesses from designing the product to its delivery in the real world. According to IDC, after 2021, worldwide spending on virtual and augmented reality is expected to double each year. 

Changing The AI Landscape Through Professionalization

Artificial Intelligence has been the talk of the town for a while. But, why does AI matter? How can an organization successfully scale AI? And, what role does professionalization play in the process of successful AI deployment? Read this blog to know more about all things the data-driven AI landscape.

In the past three years, we have seen companies spend more than $300B on AI applications, and this has turned a spotlight on the AI landscape, making it a high-stakes business priority. 

Integrating SCTL Into DistSQL’s RAL

In the previous article “An Introduction to DistSQL” written by Haoran Meng, the Apache ShardingSphere Committer shared the motivating reasons behind the design of DistSQL, explained its syntax system, and impressively showcased how you can use one SQL to create a sharding table.

Recently, the ShardingSphere community has redesigned the SCTL grammar and the execution engine, integrating SCTL into the DistSQL syntax system. Now RAL contains the old SCTL function, making ShardingSphere’s command language even more convenient for database management. Today, our community author would like to introduce the changes and elaborate on how you can use the new RAL command lines. We always pursue a better user experience, and the upgrade we developed this time is just another typical example.

Why Continuous Performance Testing for Retail Apps Matters

The retail industry has been actively adopting digital transformation in order to provide a better user experience. According to current trends, the reliance on digital channels has been enormous, placing them at the core of all significant online retail operations.

Mobile sales increased by 68 percent in 2020 and are anticipated to surpass other channels as the largest source of all sales by the end of this year. Can you identify the true reason for increased sales using retail mobile applications? The answer is "digital confidence."

Microsoft Cloud for Retail: Architect Perspective

2020 was the year in which we experienced disruptive changes at a pace and a scale that we could never have imagined. COVID-19 caused disruptions in product supply and demand, in the labor pool, and consumer spending. But it also allowed many sectors to embrace digitalization like never before.

Retail is 31% of the world’s GDP, and that data is the demand signal for the world. In 2020, the retail industry faced challenges but also opportunities. First, the retail sector accelerated the already underway transition from physical retail to e-commerce quickly.

Two Keys to Agile Transformation

Enterprise agility has rapidly become one of the most crucial variables for a business’s long-term resiliency. With the COVID-19 pandemic, never-ending disruptions to the global supply chain, and nearly every industry’s typical processes flipped upside down, there has never been a more important time to prioritize agility than now.

While the rewards of agility are high, organizations are struggling to implement key technologies and adhere to the methodologies that can get them there. In fact, the 14th Annual State of Agile Report notes that 59 percent of organizations are following agile principles, but only 4 percent of these organizations are getting the full benefit. But the ability to adapt quickly, seize new opportunities, and reduce costs is critical for survival in the ever-evolving and hypercompetitive digital age.

Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services — Architect Perspective

Financial institutions have embraced digital innovation at a recorded pace to adopt new ways of working, serving the financial needs of customers, and keeping the markets performing. Moreover, they have done so while still operating within their control frameworks and regulatory requirements needed to serve in all parts of the world.

According to the 2020 Frost and Sullivan Global Cloud User Survey, “multi-cloud adoption has skyrocketed among financial firms in the past year, up nearly 70%. In addition, hybrid cloud adoption — already higher among financial firms than other industries — is up 8%. In response to the pandemic, financial firms are accelerating their cloud journeys, knitting together disparate IT environments (on‑premises, edge, and multiple clouds) as a foundation for digitalization.”

Cloud as an Enabler for Sustainability

Cloud as an Enabler for Sustainability

Sustainability has been a buzzword and rightfully so owing to the accelerated global climate crisis. Corporations worldwide acknowledge the urgent need to act on climate change and have even pledged to set climate targets.

According to Gartner, Sustainability is defined as “An objective that guides decision making by incorporating economic, social & environmental impacts.”

How Is 5G Relevant in the Present Day?

As 2021 approached, 5G was predicted to reach around 34% of the global population in the next 4 years. How will 5G revolutionize the present scenario of the market? What are my predictions for a 5G-enabled future? What are the risks associated with 5G? Read this article to know what I expect from the 5G-enabled future.

5G networks are part of a major digital transformation trend that is impacting consumer, public sector, and enterprise spaces. New devices and applications are emerging in the market that takes advantage of the dramatically reduced latency and much higher throughput than 5G offers.  Examples include accelerated adoption of smart cities, smart factories, next-generation in-store experiences, healthcare services autonomous cars, and much more. It’s an exciting time.  By now, you are familiar with the excitement surrounding the 5G revolution.

12 Secrets for Successful Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation reforms the way an enterprise functions. An Everest Group research found that 73% of companies failed to see any addition to their business value from their digital transformation efforts. In this blog, I will reveal 12 secrets to a perfectly executed digital transformation journey. 

1. Define Your Ambition

Success starts when your organization can answer questions like — What is the desired outcome of your transformation? Are you looking for more sales, revenue, cost-saving, or selling to new/existing customers? Where is your transformation headed in the future?