Online traffic Zmatic

Hey guys,
I apologize if there is a similar topic in the forum but I couldn't find anything so I'm opening a new topic.

Has anyone worked with Zmatic? A friend of mine recommended them for having quality affiliate traffic but I want to check them out before jumping on the bandwagon -

Local seo Question

If i creat a section on my website or a blog (and redirecting it to the website) where i talk about local events, i will rank better for that locality?
Though the contents are difficult to correlate?
I have no idea if this can work maybe some of you can clarift this.

Improving brand

By creating content, you will be able to draw attention to your brand, which will allow you to attract many more consumers and increase conversion rates.

If you want to create a Wikipedia page for your business, you need to focus on creating content that provides information about the products and services that the business provides. This will help the viewer to get down to business. And maybe transform yourself into a consumer.

Do you think there are other ways to improve your brand identity through content creation?

What are examples of Digital Marketing?

Before we start learning what are best examples of Digital Marketing Strategy, lets us know what is it actually. Digital marketing Technology learning is very simple, it is nothing but the use internet,mobile devices, search engine pages, etc. to reach to customers. Selling products becomes very easy when combined to this technique to your business. Why dont you start learning today. Some examples of digital marketing includes SEO optimization, guest blogging, backlinkings, affiliate markeitng, etc. Another approaches we see in internet markeing are content management, email and instant message marketing etc. And i suggest applciation of all these techniques is an important factor tioboost page traffic.

Need help to start my startup.

Hi, I am form India. Lookig to create my own startup in the field of digital marketing. I have done my master's in marketing management. It would be great help to me if someone shares their experiences with me. I have the prior knowledge about SEO, SMO, Etc.

Bot traffic in Google analytics

How can I tell how much bot traffic I'm getting in Google Analytics?

I've been doing a lot of work on improving my crawl budget and I want to see if Google Analytics reports similar data to the Search Console Crawl Stats charts.

Lazy Loading GAM

I am using GAM as so:

<script async src=""></script>
window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []};
googletag.cmd.push(function() {

        googletag.defineSlot('/86406173/ArticleLeaderboard', leader_size, 'div-gpt-ad-1321481451196-0').addService(googletag.pubads());
        // etc.

            fetchMarginPercent: 200,
            renderMarginPercent: 100,
            mobileScaling: 2.0


Is there a conflict of interest between enableLazyLoad() and enableSingleRequest()?


Best link building strategy in 2020

Hi guys,

So what according to you is the best link building strategy or technique to work on these days which is working now.

My pick is for contextual links from guest post / outreach. Any other apart from this.

Sitemap XML & HTML Difference

I want to know about the exact difference between the XM Sitemap & HTML Sitemap. I already take the help of Google but not satisfied.
Expecting a better reply from your side.
