OBD2 Reader: Car Diagnostics

While creating the OBD2 reader application, we faced many questions, problems, and so on, so we will try to acquaint you with them in this article. As it turned out, you can conduct a dialogue with the car, and quite a productive one. However, in order to start communicating with the car, it is necessary to "establish contact", "ask the right question" and correctly understand the "answer" received from the car. Accordingly, the article will be aimed at clearly explaining the organization of the dialogue, as well as telling you what mistakes you may encounter on the way and how to deal with them.

Connection Selection

Initially, it is necessary to clarify that an ELM327 adapter will be used to connect to the car. ELM327 is a microcircuit that allows converting the protocols used in the diagnostic tires of cars into the RS232 protocol, which we will use for data transmission. Due to the fact that data transmission via the RS232 protocol is carried out sequentially, the problem of low data transfer rate arises, which we will try to bypass in one of the following sections.

Replicating Bitbucket Pipelines on Your Laptop for Local Debugging

Bitbucket Pipelines is one of my favorite CI/CD tools, and I use it pretty heavily daily. Given the full range of use cases available for Pipelines, I have to frequently diagnose and debug new issues, and this process of debugging starts with being able to replicate the problems in my local environment quickly.

I’m going to walk you through the process of replicating a serverless deployment locally. For this exercise, I’ll use this serverless deployment as a reference.