What Does It Take to Test in DevOps?: QA Best Practices

Traditionally, testing has been perceived as a bottleneck in SDLC, something that causes delays in delivery. Organizations have long adopted the Agile/DevOps model, but not without its pitfalls and stumbling blocks, especially in achieving the ideal speed/quality balance.

For enterprise DevOps, it is vital to rethink testing approaches to achieve agility at scale. There is much of an overlap of roles, for instance between business analysts and QA testers. Is the tester’s role diminished because of this overlap or because of automation?

The Edge of Test Automation: DevTestOps and DevSecOps

Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge.

The state of software development is evolving rapidly as software developers and testers have started moving to DevOps. In the beginning, organizations used to have a simple process for development and operations, but now users demand a more enhanced and improved experience with every product, which requires proper testing, security, data, AI, and more.

What You Need to Know About DevTestOps

What is DevTestOps?

The DevOps movement or culture celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2018. It is now critical to the success of many organizations.

The original definition of DevOps by practitioners Len Bass, Ingo Weber and LIming Zhu is interesting. “It is a set of practices that helps reduce the time between committing a change to a system and committing the change into normal production – all the while ensuring high quality.”